Our skin is one of the most delicate organs, since it’s constantly exposed to sun, environmental pollution and other countless factors that gradually accelerate its deterioration. None of us want to look older than what we really are, and knowing how to properly take care of it, will help us this.

Makeup: Friend or Foe?
As women, we constantly use makeup and this hurts our skin in more ways than you can imagine. Although we see makeup as our ally, in reality it is also one of our biggest enemies. Beauty products like makeup tend to dry our face, closing our pores and increasing our probability of having premature wrinkles. If you use make up a lot, let your skin rest at least two days a week and always remember to take it off before you go to sleep. During our sleep our skin cells regenerate themselves, so they need to be able to breathe correctly.

Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you how old you are
A good nutrition is another essential factor. Eating healthy will help us clean ourselves from within and this will be reflected on our skin. A poor diet does not provide our skin with the nutrients it needs to regenerate. Add fruits to your meals, many fruits contain millions of antioxidants and vitamins, thus preventing premature aging. Also, remember to take vitamins E and C, these are some of the main substances that our skin needs to regenerate and produce collagen.

Importance of hydration
Besides of all what we said before, it’s also very important for you to remember to keep your skin hydrated. Use moisturizers at least twice daily, preferable even before your put on makeup. If you are one of those who think they don’t need to moisturize because their skin is greasy, you should know that you’re making a big mistake. When your skin is very dry, it begins to produce more sebum than usual as a natural defense. Also, remember to always use sunscreen before leaving your house. The sun damages skin and putting on sunscreen will help you prevent its damage.


Face masks are also a good way to obtain nutrients. You can make homemade masks with papaya and strawberries. Try deep cleaning your skin twice a week, either by going to a spa or at home with facials and exfoliating creams. You can make a mask with honey and sugar and eliminate dead cells and impurities.

Do you want to remove stains? Don’t spend money on expensive creams, just use a mask based on milk; milk has whitening effects on the skin. And if you want to reduce the size of your pores, all you have to do is put ice on them every day before makeup.

There is no excuse for you not to have a bright and clean skin. Remember that our skin is usually the first thing people see. Make a good impression and take care of her!