In Joya life, we believe in energy. We work daily with Mayan spiritual guides and all our products are blessed by them. We are convinced that, through energy, people can feel better, find the joy of living, free themselves from traumas and grow. It is our theme and reason to live. Every day we witness what could be classified as “little miracles” in the life of those who follow our Mayan spiritual guides. The Mayan energy is not a myth.
Mayan Energy
It is a simple and natural philosophy of life that is full of common sense. It is based on a fine and wide observation of nature and the cosmos. For 3000 years, the Maya people have discovered many secrets that still amaze a large number of scientists… The Maya people are brilliant time administrators and energy masters. Few people know that, because the Maya have always been very discreet about their knowledge. For them, respect is fundamental, especially regarding the great forces they learned to use in order to truly change their lives and the life of those who trust them with respect and benevolence. They have created many calendars that are connected to one another like gears, so they could measure the earthly time, the lunar time, the solar time and the cosmological time. Their mastery with time is such that they know how to use time according to energy.
The Maya discovered how energies could guide our lives and how we could use them for any purpose in a spiritual level of greater wellness and openness. It is truly simple. Each one of us is guided by energies that are authentic, called nahuals. These energies are represented by an animal or element, so that people can understand them better.
For the Maya, art consists in living well with your energy. Imbalances are often caused by our ignorance regarding our energy. Besides, each of us have inside a level of energy that goes from 1 to 13 from the moment we are born, and even from our conception. They are the hues. These are fundamental elements to see the areas you need to improve and be able to open yourself and grow in a simple and natural way. There is no magic in this; it’s just true common sense based on 3000 years of knowledge, observation and results… So yes, we affirm that this works, we witness that every day. In Joya Life, we believe in energy. How about you?