Each woman has her tastes and preferences in relation to the type of jewel that she likes to wear in her day to day, but most of them attach great importance to the type of symbols that will be present in them. For example, some prefer hearts, stars, ying yang, virgins, saints, names of loved ones, or simply some symbol with which they feel very identified and sure to wear.
In this context, it is essential to mention the zodiacal symbols that we know are to the liking of most women who believe in astrology and what it says with respect to their signs. Hence, the importance of describing what zodiacal symbol corresponds to each sign, and what they mean by considering that each of the 12 zodiac signs has its own characteristics, attitudes, aptitudes, strengths and weaknesses.
In this way, it is convenient to remember that each sign is under a specific zodiacal element, which are: air, fire, earth and water, so that the type of essential energy of each element acts on each person, making that the signs that are part of each group have some common basic characteristics; however, the complete configuration of each sign is different, and even more so, that of each person, for which it is necessary to resort to the astral chart, which is much more specific.
But, as the subject that concerns us is the zodiacal symbolism and its use in the jewellery sold in the markets, we will continue specifying the signs that belong to each element. For example, water signs are: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, while fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Likewise, earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, and air ones are: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
Now, according to each element, the signs have a symbol that identifies and directly influences the basic characteristics of their personality, their tastes, preferences, attitudes, talents, etc., so we will present these symbols and make a descriptive summary that will guide you about their meaning and the convenience of taking them with you, preferably in jewels that in turn contain the stones that correspond to your zodiac sign.
Organizing the signs according to their element, we have that the Pisces symbol is the following: ♓, which is a stylized representation of the fish and is ruled by Neptune, whose myth is explained by the story of the Greeks: Aphrodite and her son Eros, who jumped into the river becoming fish because they were escaping the monster Typhoon. Hence, that it is associated that insecurity the people of this sign feel, which usually makes them escape situations that generate stress and uncertainty, becoming very imaginative and creative.
Next we have the symbol “♏” that identifies the sign of Scorpio, (Scorpion). This kind of “M” represents planet Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio, which contains a tail that represents the sting of the scorpion. The legend says that the scorpion defeated the ancient hunter Orion, who boasted that there was no beast strong enough to kill him. Hence, it is said that the people of this sign have the necessary strength and impetus to fight any battle and succeed, overcoming the challenges that life puts in front of them.
With respect to Cancer, our third water sign, we have that their symbol is “♋ “, which represents a crab. This water sign, ruled by the Moon, has a symbol that is a stylized representation of the legs of a crab, whose legend is based on the story of the goddess Hera who, to protect the water snake Hydra, sent a crab to the hero Hercules to prevent him from killing it, but finally this hero ended up killing the crab. In this way, this sacrifice represents the unconditional love of mothers, which characterizes the sign of Cancer, which above all are very familiar and defend their loved ones at the expense of anything or sacrifice.
As for fire signs, we have Aries first with its symbol “♈”, which is the stylized representation of a ram’s head. This fire sign, ruled by Mars, is characterized by its great strength and energy that does not allow them to surrender, since they face obstacles vehemently until they overcome them. This basic characteristic of Aries is explained with the legend of Greek mythology in which it is described the persecution made by an adventurer named “Jason” to “Aries”, a ram carrying the Golden Fleece, who fought to the end to defend him from the attack propitiated by the ambitious character.
Our second fire sign is Leo, the lion, which is identified with the symbol “♌”. The legend that explains the appearance of this symbol of Leo’s sign, which is ruled by the Sun, is based on the fact that Hercules had as his mission to kill the Nemean Lion, which had a very hard skin and resistance that prevented him from being affected by arrows; however, Hercules strangled it and in this way its soul was sent to heaven. This legend explains how those born under Leo are people with great strength and energy, in addition to having that radiance that gives them a lot of power and authority.
On their part, Sagittarians are represented by the symbol ♐, which is a centaur archer, fierce and warrior, which is derived from a Sumerian legend. This sign ruled by Jupiter is characterized for being very playful, cheerful and carefree as long as they do not drive crazy, being also great opponents in any conflict. It should be noted that this legend is based on Chirón, a friendly and fun-loving character who achieved his goals with his charm and could become a strong opponent.
In relation to air signs, we have Aquarius, whose symbol is the following ♒, which means “water bearer”. It is ruled by Uranus and its symbol comes from the Egyptian hieroglyph “Mu,” which means water, that in turn involves a legend around the Egyptian god called Hapi, which they represented in an image of such god with two jugs pouring water to the earth, hence it is known as “the water bearer”. In this way, this symbology currently allows us to identify that capacity of surrender to the spiritual world that people of the sign of Aquarius have, who spread the water of a higher consciousness throughout the world.
On the other hand, the sign Gemini, whose symbol “♊” represents two twins together, is ruled by Mercury, and they grant the people of this sign the property of showing themselves as dual and indecisive or with two facets or faces on many occasions. The story of this symbolism is derived from the existence of Castor and Pollux twins, children of Leda and the Swan (Zeus disguised), who had very different personalities.
To finish with air signs, we have Libra whose symbol is “♎”, and it represents a scale, which according to the story, belongs to Astraea, the Roman Goddess of justice. It should be noted that the people of this air sign, ruled by Venus, are known for being excellent judges and mediators in conflict situations, weighing and balancing the merits of the parties involved.
We continue with earth signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The stubborn Taurus is identified with the symbol “♉” which is a graphic representation of the head of a bull, and which gives this earth sign, ruled by Venus, basic characteristics in his personality such as strength and stability, as well as that stubbornness that sometimes helps him a lot to achieve things, but he also must control because it brings many conflicting situations in their environment.
It should be noted that in the ancient societies that worshiped God, the bull was worshiped as a symbol of fertility, and in the current interpretation it gives those born under this sign the ability to collect their fruits obtained by constant work and driving force that helps them to progress and achieve stability in their lives.
With respect to Virgo, we have that its symbol “♍” similar to an “M”, means Mary, the virgin mother of Christ with a sheaf of wheat harvested by his side, which represents the combination of inner purity and human fertility, which are characteristics that distinguish natives from the sign of Virgo. It’s known that this earth sign ruled by Mercury is very humanitarian, family and sociable, often putting the needs of others before its own, especially when it comes to its loved ones.
The symbol of the Capricorneans is the goat with horns or the sea goat, which is represented as follows: ♑. This earth sign ruled by Saturn is identified by a symbol representing the head and tail of a goat, and its legend is derived, according to Greek mythology, of when a hero named Capricorn that became a hybrid creature between goat and fish, currently called “Goat of the Sea”, by throwing itself into the Nile River during the war of the Titans. Therefore, it is considered that people of the sign of Capricorn are characterized by using the intelligence of the frightened hero that they carry within themselves, with the purpose of advancing, progressing and evolving throughout their lives.
Now, each of these symbols can be worn in chains, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, etc., preferably in jewellery made with the stones corresponding to the sign, because they would be represented in a double way, through the symbol and its stone that will give you more energy and protection.