While it is common knowledge the importance of eating in the best way possible, with a constant physical activity to stay healthy, but not always we have knowledge of specific recommendations related to this matter.
For example , everyone knows that must drink 8 to 12 glasses of water a day (equivalent to two liters ), but not always is explained that juices, smoothies and flavored waters are included in those liters; and they must not be taken with meals, but 20 minutes before or after them, because otherwise digestion is hindered.
Sugar, fructose and the sweetener, it is said a little of everything, some say that it is best to eliminate all refined sugar intake, others say that the best option is the consumption of fructose, because it is completely natural of coming from fruits, and finally, many wonder whether sweeteners are harmful to health.
Mary Garofalo, Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics states that “in respect of sugar, it all depends on what type of physical activity the person does, and if you are on a low calorie diet.” She also ensures that there are various options to sweeten our food, desserts and juices without negative effects, such as brown sugar, which has not been subjected to the refining process, and therefore contains all the microelements the industry calls “impurities”, which are very beneficial to the body, and is easily absorption and digestion.
There is also an alternative sweetener plant, which is available in health food shops in various forms, and is called “stevia.” The “stevia” is a natural sweetener that besides being beneficial to the body, may be the best alternative for diabetics and people who cannot eat sugar.
Another myth is that food is not advisable to eat fruits at night, because their sugar content can be converted into fat. Regard to this, the expert noted that the process of absorption of fructose causes an increase of triglycerides, like all simple carbohydrates, and alcohol.
However, the secret is not to eat too much fruit (three daily rations), so you can eat at any time of day. Moreover, vitamin C in the fruit, allowing when ingested for dessert, allows to obtain more iron absorption than meat or legumes.
Keep in mind that a good diet can help you avoid some diseases, have an active life, and also good appearance. Never forget that you are what you eat, and therefore you should know how to do it well.