Myths and legends are a permanent part of our culture and traditions, and they will always be part of the human history. In them, fact and fantasy come together bringing to life the most incredible stories and narratives. Some have disappeared over the years, but others have remained to this day, even though we live in an era dominated by the certainty of facts. Discover then what are the world’s most famous myths and legends.
The Loch Ness monster, location: Scotland. Loch Ness is the alleged residence of Nessie, one of the most famous aquatic creatures in the world and whose existence goes back more than 1,500 years. His legend has grown due to sightings, due to ancient legends about water horses that lived in the depths of the lake, and by the surgeon R.K. Wilson alleged photo, taken in 1934.
El Chupacabras. In 1992, Puerto Rico’s local media spread the news about the massacre of several animals that have been found without blood and with bites on he neck. Due to the similarity of the cases in other countries, the legend spread throughout the world. According to sightings, the culprit is a kind of gray-green, one meter high, and has a reptilian appearance; It is known for its scaly skin and sharp spines on the back. However, other evidence indicates that this is a kind of wild dog.
The myth of the lost continent. According to various cultures, thousands of years ago there were supposed to be three continents: Mu in the Pacific Ocean, Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean and Lemuria in the Indian Ocean, which is believed to have been inhabited by ancient but advanced civilizations, however, after suffering a cataclysm they disappeared underwater.
The yeti: also known as “the abominable snowman” is supposed to be a giant ape-like being, with the body covered in hair, who is hidden in the Himalayas. His legend has been growing due to the testimonies of alleged sightings as well as the discovery of traces and remains, that are supposed to belong to this animal.
Ghosts: virtually in all cultures of the world, we have heard stories of bodies, souls and spirits, that manifest among us because it is believed they have a mission or unfinished business that prevents them from going to the beyond. This myth has remained throughout human history, thanks to millions of people around the world who claim to have seen one, although world literature, cinema and theater have also contributed to the myth’s growth.
Although this is only a small list, there is no doubt that with human progress, new mysteries and knowledge will arise, giving life to new myths and legends. Despite our differences, the myths and legends will continue to unite our beliefs, our traditions and cultures, making them part of a mystical and esoteric world that will continue to grow, in our attempt to explain everything that we do not understand. Which ones do you think were missing from the list?