This Monday, world leaders and heads of states meet against climate change in the long-awaited 21st World Summit carried out in Paris (COP21), in search of various agreements that benefit the planet, mainly to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, facing global warming. The beginning of this summit had a minute of silence in honor of the victims of the terrorist attacks on the French capital, and the Paraguayan president, Horacio Cartes, will be the first speaker of the meeting.

The COP21 also known as Paris 2015, is performed in the middle of a tension by the recent “jihadist” attacks that left 130 dead on November 13, considered as the most serious event registered in the territory since the Second World War.

As one of the largest international conferences organized in French territory, drastic measures have been prepared to avoid any security incident by the concerns that persist between the invited and the manifestations that are carried out.

Before the prohibition to manifest, the place was full of shoes in representation to those who could not raise their voice in protest. Also, since this Sunday some clashes with the police in the Republic Square are reported and up to now, more than 200 people have been arrested after throwing shoes, candles and bottles.


At the opening of the COP21 President Francois Hollande spoke about the importance of the two events: “never bets had been so high because this is about the future of our planet, the future of life. And, however, two weeks ago, here in Paris, a group of fanatics was sowing the seeds of death in the streets”. Similarly, he said that the fight against terrorism and climate change are two great challenges.

The two major emitters of greenhouse gases, China and the United States with 24% and 15% according to the Climate Analytics consultancy, assume their responsibility and the role they have in the fight against global warming; that is why Barack Obama after talking with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, said: “our leadership in this issue is vital”. Obama also indicated about the need of transparency negotiations.

The summit ends this December 11 and is performed with the participation of more than 40,000 delegates from 195 countries, in order to facilitate agreements through discussions among the nations to reduce global warming and keep it below the limit of the two degrees of temperature, in favor of a universal alliance with the transformation of societies and low-carbon economies.