Ever since past times and diverse cultures, mankind has felt the strong necessity to explore everything beyond the unknown. The desire to discover unexplored answers, has taken it to clarify the most hidden mysteries. Including, discovering the secret of dreams. Nonetheless, when oblivion takes the dreams’ pattern, it is not possible to recall its evocate fantasies.

Egyptian mythology had a solid respect for dreams. It considered that dreams were sent by deities, which appeared to warn people about future events. It was believed that trough dreams, they received instructions about healing methods, dangerous futures warnings, advices, future testimonies and answers to their expectations.

In order to translate these dreams, there were interpreters that decoded the veiled messages in dreams represented by different symbols. But, how could they understand a dream without remembering it?

Everybody dreams. The difference between some people and others is being capable of recall those dreams. In some awakens we are capable of remembering dreams, however, in others we completely forget them.

According to diverse researching and studies, people turn around or change posture immediately after having a dream. It is believed that these action facilities the brain to slide to a different type of brain frequency. If there is no possibility to remember dreams, change body position in bed, since it allows create dream images.

Immediately after waking up, tell somebody what you recall about the dream. While you are talking, you will remember some details since you will permit that these appear in conscious.

It is recommendable not to eat or drinking any alcoholic beverage, also, not taking any medicines right before or after sleeping as well. The chemicals that these medicines contain affect the brain ability to remember a dream. Several people notice they can better recall dreams without using a wake up alarm.

Avoid taking cellphones or laptops to bed, sending emails and texting right before going to bed. These actions do not provide time for the brain to relax. A calming environment is very recommendable. Avoid using everything that could disturb memory and dream patterns.

Jot down everything you can remember, including any detail. When you don’t remember something, write: “I don’t remember what I dreamed about”. This phrase stimulates memory, making the brain images easier to come up. There is another technique for this situation, drawing scrawls, which provokes entities and revives memory.

There is an antic Tibetan belief that affirms that when going to sleep, people must concentrate in the desire of remembering dreams. After getting focus on this intention, like it was located behind your throat. Imagine you have a shining blue sphere in the neck zone, and you put that desire of recalling the dream in that blue circle. Visualize for a while this image until you fall sleep.

Let your imagination run away! Stimulate the memory, and immerse yourself into the memories of the dream.