Nowadays, more and more people are concern about their physical aspect. An appropriate feeding and daily exercise routines have become a current tendency. However, when all they think about is being fitness it may become an obsession for them.

Vigorexia is a disorder that affects the image we have about ourselves. Regularly, those who suffer from this disorder are young male people, although it could affect female as well. Having a well-built body increases people’s self-esteem and self-confidence. It is also probable that this is related to being social accepted and being attractive to others. It is a way of succeeding but everything has its limits.

Pero cuando su vida comienza a girar en torno a eso, puede que se vuelva una peligrosa obsesión.
Having a big concern about looking good and feeling healthy is not a bad thing. The real bad thing is that you live only being focus on that so you can be socially approved, because, paradoxically, you can get the opposite. A person that spends hours in a gym, doesn’t have large social live, especially if they have certain responsibilities. Inclusive, human relationships, with friends, relatives or love partners could be affected.

Changing in a drastic way the usual diet for stricter one is even more harmful for health, in the same way as consuming anabolic steroids. They could affect heart among other secondary effects. Any person feels right about going out with a person obsessed about the amount of calories consumed. Truly, is important to take care of oneself but having limits.


If that person goes to the movies and decides not to eat candies because they make you “fat” is the same as not going to the movies; that is a big part of the date, is not nice to the friends or partners. In the present day, more women suffer from vigorexia, because it is considered fashion to look good.

People that suffer from vigorexia tend to consider themselves as a thin or super skinny person. They never feel well-built or chunky enough. This produces a physical exercise addiction, including an excessive ingestion of proteins and carbohydrates. Besides, this habits increase testosterone, which causes a lot of unpleasant secondary effects.

This disorder can be called different names, like “Athletic anorexia”, “Adonis complex” or “Muscle dysmorphia”. People who suffer from this disease are obsessed about their imperfections and distort their self-perception. Some of the consequences of this disorder are: depression, isolation, muscles, hurt joints and tendons, hate to themselves, suicide, tension or worries, hormone issues and other secondary effects caused by the body-building drugs consumed.

Vigorexia treatment consists in receiving long term psychological therapy. Family and friends support is very fundamental as well to get over this. It is recommendable to maintain a balance. It is good to worry about appearance but not to become obsessed with it, because instead of becoming a positive thing it would bring other issues, mostly psychological ones, which could create secondary problems. The most important thing to look good is to feel healthy.