Authority and sovereignty, this is what a crown symbolizes. Anyone can feel like a king or queen without the need to carry a crown. At home, you exercise your authority as queen, and your partner, being the king, can hold this title only if you allow him to maintain it, thus keeping your home in perfect balance. A crown does not represent the style of who carries it, but of those who know how to do it.
Since ancient times, a crown has been considered as the ornament used by heads of authority, belonging to church or military. However, there are those only worn by kings and queens of a particular region, made either out of silver or gold, decorated with pearl designs.
These beautiful crowns were used to distinguish one´s authority, hence their utility to set hierarchy to a person, in this case a king.
Historically, there has been a wide variety of crowns, all identifying different authorities and, according to their design, defining if it belonged to a king, count, marquis or other person of hierarchical status.
With time, coronation became a mere symbolic act. For example, in Spain, this tradition no longer exists, which also means that their crown jewels also don’t. The crown displayed today has a theatrical function during ceremonies. People in Spain only solemnize the presence of a king.
Nowadays, crowns fell into disuse. About 500 years ago, during the middle ages, the Visigoths kings where the only ones who used it, after that it was copies by the Byzantine Empire.
Knowing why this ritual of benevolence and admiration has disappeared is much interesting. Some experts indicate that the last coronation of a king or authority figure was held in England, in 1954, when Queen Elizabeth II was crowned.
The late Pope, Paul VI, was crowned with a papal tiara in 1964. His successors have only used miter, a type of crown that represents power but was not identified as such. As for its designs, there are many and therefore exclusive. To make a crown goldsmiths use a gold circle and incrust precious stones to it. Its decorations depend on its owner´s hierarchy.
You don’t need a crown imposed or a hierarchy status to identify you. You command your life, directing your destiny and making sure you live a full and healthy life. All this without the need of a crown or the need to be identified as a queen.
For us, commoners, the only way to be close to such an impressive work of art, is by visiting Museums that displayed the pieces filled with mystery, fantasy and most definitely luxury.