Although you may not believe the angry bears is correlated to the stars. Many behaviors of human beings are governed by these wonderful creations of the universe. The signs and constellations interact in different situations that are faced by human every day.
Find out what drives mad each sign and learn to deal with the character of the people around you.
Aries: Aries cannot stand being ignored and go unnoticed. They like to be considered for any deed, however small it may be.
Taurus: They dislike routine changes without notice. Also they hate lend things to others. They are quiet and know to hold so much.
Gemini: This sign, when angered, not repressed or anything saved. They do not like losing anything, not in any kind of competition or game, even if they are only entertainment.
Cancer: This sign is sensitive and intuitive and absorbs all the emotions that receives from its environment. Cancer people cannot stand any criticism, no matter how small could be.
Leo: They hate deception of any kind. They do not support others to make fun of others. They hate that people let them on foolish and being excluded.
Virgo: Is a sign that gets stressed easily; however, it is not likely to get angry. They hate crowds and noise. They do not support the disobedient people or with improper manners.
Libra: It may be a sign of much equity, they annoy destructive criticism. Occasional anger arise when they feel ignored while talking about a topic, let them badly or unfairly when mistreat innocent.
Scorpio: Is the most irritable in zodiac; this sign does not forgive a betrayal. Not only they hate lies, do not forgive them; they can take years to forget. They bother greatly if they are controlled by others.
Sagittarius: They do not like to perform administrative tasks, much less lengthy paperwork. Routines are unfavorable to the restless and moving temperament that they have. They hate being assigned many responsibilities at once.
Capricorn: This is a very sensitive and easily upset sign. They can’t forgive jokes and betrayals; plus they detest irresponsibility under any circumstances.
Aquarius: These are people who disapprove of violence; however, a misunderstanding, injustice or contempt can inflame their anger. They are angry that someone tries to steal their liberties.
Pisces: Is very sensitive and considerate with others. Try not to hurt anyone and rarely does. They resent that others will judge, not under any circumstances accept criticism.
The good treatment that gives to others is the best attitude you can offer in this world. Do not waste time bothering, enjoy big company of others.
well, this is debatable but at times it could happen.