When you think negatively, you go into autopilot and twisted ideas start showing up in your head which, even if you don’t want to, will haunt you going as far as neutralizing your own and others’ well-being because they create a vicious cycle of contagion. Appease your rage or else anything you set out to do will end up badly due to the dishonest power of rage.

Unmask every thought and reject all the messages coming from bad memories, deafening assumptions and regrets that don’t let you see the tangible world, beautiful and extraordinaire, woven from the magic brushes of the Creator to offer you every possible and impossible thing for you to attract and seize into your life and ingrain it into your personal and spiritual growth.

You must ride the train to greatness in your life, leaving behind everything negative which will be waiting for you on the tracks so that only excellence rides with you. Always keep in mind that not everything in life is white or black, good or evil; it is only how smartly you move and adjust your attitude before adversities that will dictate the results, just like a test you must pass.

The Word ‘Onyx’, which means ‘Nail’, comes from Greek; according to its ancient mythology, Cupid cut the nails off the goddess Venus’ hand, all of which fell on sand, turning later into a stone from which Onyx would be born. It shows itself in four shades: White, Brown, Crimson and Black; this last one especially prominent since its black shade and glint attract people’s looks and also for being the one most associated with the gemstone.


Its magical presence has, for many, indescribable features, as stated by those who have used it to harness psychic powers. It is believed to hold extraordinary defensive energy that comes from the world beyond, protecting the user from evil spells or negative thoughts.

Its meaning is associated with strength, resilience, courage and self-control. It also helps sharpen your thoughts, focusing them into specific tasks due to its connection to the Earth. On the other hand, it’s associated with the first Chakra, as well as its protection because of its ability to repel and deflect negative energy.

It’s divided into several categories: True Onyx also known as Arabic Onyx, Black Onyx or Black Cloak Agate which blends with brown, Sardonyx which has alternating shades of white and black. Beautiful Cameo designs have been made such as the ones in Santa Capilla and Vienna.

With this extraordinary gemstone, built from overlapping black and white layers, beautiful decorative objects can be crafted, low reliefs, knife handles, earrings, lovely bracelets and rosaries. In healing therapies it grants calm and inner peace, helping overcome deep fears.

Energy is frequency and power, electricity which courses through you and your senses, working its magic to procure barriers from anything and everything negative that comes out of your thoughts. Make it crackle with Onyx!