Life has different charms and various stages. When you are very young, you are susceptible to the advice and words of others. Pay close attention to issues that are not significant. Giving a start to another cycle of life sometimes is not so easy to deal with.
Many women are terrified of reach 40 years. They feel it is the end of the world. You reach 40 not chosen. Choose to be happy and decisive at this stage. It’s just a phase of consolidation, where the personality is much more straight and consistent. Many women feel beautiful and satisfied to turn forty. They feel confident of their dreams.
The work done by doctors who specialize in the field of sexology, psychologists, and even writers, claim it is a time of life where they have the potential and the right to enjoy a better quality of sexual life.
Since Masters and Johnson, and Helen Kaplan, specialists in sexology, have fought for women’s sexual claim, not in a frame of battle of the sexes or iron feminism, but from the clinic and experience of each day studying sexology.
Note that women enjoy their sexual prime at 40 years. Medical studies show as sexual, social or employment decline of women comes many years later; and her best moment is a function of personal imagination, their active sex, and communication you have with your partner. It is now, at 40, when a woman committed to care much for exercise and a healthy diet. The main thing to get to this age with a good physique is learning to love and be accepted as is.
“At age 40, women feel standing strong, procure self-confidence, and have generally reached a significant personal and emotional stability,” confirms Olga Cordoba, psychiatrist, psychotherapist and professor at the Masters Family Therapy at the Pontifical University Comillas. “I look younger than ever, and much stronger” Gwyneth Paltrow has confessed. “More yourself is one of the best things in life,” revealed Cameron Diaz in his fortieth birthday, adding: “I know more things than I’ve ever known I’m grateful, really I know myself better I consider more capable than ever. I feel better now at 40 than at 25 “.The journalist and writer Marta Robles said: “Before, a woman aged 40 was like disappeared from the map. Ceased to exist. Moreover, the term was used forties in a derogatory manner. Today, the resurgence of a woman comes from four decades. You can do everything! ”
Look for the spiritual and physical harmony! No wonder the years that are gone, instead, be grateful for the experience I have left! Begin a full life!