It is important that, if you become pregnant and are considering making a trip, consider a set of guidelines that must be met before calling route. Except for risk pregnancies, it is not strictly forbidden to travel during pregnancy, but you should be aware of your status, as this will be paramount when making a decision or another.

During pregnancy it is logical that we have all kinds of questions about when, how and where is recommendable travels for expectant mothers. Whether to go on vacation, a weekend getaway or a business trip. First, make a small balance before embarking on the trip, and think about the pros and cons. Also, you must keep the doctor informed about all trips to be undertaken by ridiculous they seem, and explore the area or destination to which you are addressed.

You can choose a distant destination during the first months but is not advised to do so from the seventh month. Six weeks before giving birth, try not to stray more than two hours away from the place of delivery and prioritize locations where there is not too much sun exposure.

If you go by car, you can drive if you want; but when not drive, sit in the back and adjust the seat belt under the belly (there are also special belts for pregnant women). It’s exhausting to sit for a long time, being pregnant, so it is advisable to stop every two hours. Driving on freeways instead of back roads. Another recommended for pregnant transport is the train; but if you are traveling alone, bring a lightweight luggage.

Another of the most used transportation, and according to the destination becomes in the only one, is the plane. If it comes to long trips, you will have to see if the company which you are traveling allows you to fly, and in what route. It is recommended to avoid staying too long sitting, get up and walk to decrease circulatory problems.


Keep hydrated: It is advised to drink a liter of water for every five hours of flight. The plane is undoubtedly, the less abrupt and more convenient transportation; but after seven months of pregnancy is not recommended for a long trip.

Remember to always carry a medical certificate with the theoretical date of the birth. Since for many airlines it becomes a prerequisite to boarding the plane. Finally, if you are traveling by boat, it is not forbidden, but it is very unwise to take a cruise or travel by sea, far from any hospital structure.

Your health and your baby are the most important; however, you should know that pregnancy is not an impediment, long as you take into account the necessary precautions. A mother and baby traveler before birth, the world opens its doors and timely information it is best to carry as luggage, enjoy your new stage and new destinations in a different way.