Do you want to travel as a backpacker through Colombia? Are you that kind of adventurous people who want to feel the adrenaline, freedom and emotion, but in turn you do not have a high budget? Then you must follow the advice that in this article we will give you, so that you can travel as a backpacker through Colombia, and write down in your list of experiences one of the most exciting of your life. Pay attention to the following recommendations:

viajar mochilero por Colombia

A basic aspect to lower costs when traveling as a backpacker through Colombia is food, so we will give you an idea: eat in popular restaurants where, for example, a lunch can cost about 6000 Colombian pesos, which are equivalent to about 2 dollars. But if you order a special dish, the cost may increase to about $ 10, so if you want to save, limit yourself to basic meals.

Another important point when traveling as a backpacker through Colombia is the lodging, and many prefer to save by sleeping in hammocks or tents, whose average price is about 10,000 pesos; that is to say, about 3 dollars. But if you prefer to stay in a reasonable hotel, you can get a private room from 20 thousand, which is equivalent to about 7 dollars and you can enjoy a simple room with private bathroom, a fan and a TV set; at the end it all depends on your budget and the days you want to stay in this country.

Colombia Hotel Viaje

It is also the alternative of hostels, where you can find shared rooms with 8 or 6 people for about 26 thousand pesos; that is, about 8.5 dollars; however, we recommend visiting web sites such as Sky scanner, which is very useful when looking for cheap lodging prices, so we recommend accessing it before embarking on your trip as a backpacker through Colombia.

With regard to transport to travel as a backpacker through Colombia, you should keep in mind that the cheapest bus lines are Gazela and Velotax; however, you must search for information through social networks to find the best alternative according to the regions that you have chosen as a tourist destination on your trip.

Colombia Autobus Transporte Viaje

In relation to the tourist destinations of this beautiful country, we must say that, in recent years, Colombia has positioned itself as one of the Latin American countries with the largest influx of tourists, especially taking into account the growing trend of exploring the world as a backpacker, which is why this country has been listed as a mandatory site. So if you want to travel as a backpacker through Colombia, we recommend some of the places you should visit:

Lost City: This archaeological park is located in Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, and it is very visited by nature lovers who are stunned by its huge roads surrounded by lush forests, as well as large waterfalls, suspension bridges and a very varied fauna.

Gorgona Island: This island is located just 35 kilometers west of the Pacific coast of Colombia, and it is considered one of the best places in South America to practice diving and hiking along the paths in the jungle that lead to fabulous beaches.


Puerto Nariño: It is a charming town located in the Amazon which has one of the most particular architectures in Colombia, and to get there you must take a boat from Leticia city. A curious fact is that everyone walks there because there are no cars or motorcycles, so the experience is very rewarding and different.

San Agustin: This archaeological park located in the department of Huila is considered an ideal tourist destination for those who love culture and history.

Villa de Leyva: This town located three hours from Bogotá stands out for its bohemian style, its nature and its cobbled streets. It attracts many tourists, especially foreigners.

Villa de Leyva  Colombia

Tatacoa Desert: This desert is located in the department of Huila, and it is very visited by people who love stargazing, in addition to wonderful tours can be taken.

El Tayrona Park: This natural park is one of the most important in Colombia, and it is considered one of the best tourist destinations in the world for backpackers. It is located 34 km from Santa Marta and has exotic beaches with gigantic stones, as well as roads that connect with the jungle. Here, backpackers camp in tents facing the sea.

We also recommend visiting the Iguaque Lagoon in Boyacá, where you can perform walks between forests and moors; El Cocuy snowcapped mountain, where you can have contact with the snow and enjoy spectacular landscapes, and finally we invite you to explore the region of Tobia in Cundinamarca where you can enjoy adventure activities like boating, which are practiced in the Black river, which is only about two hours from Bogotá.

Nevado El Cocuy