A good way to exercise without sacrificing valuable time with your boyfriend, simply don’t make that decision. Go out for a run or watch movies with your partner? These are two proposals that should not compete if you do not want problems in the relationship; or a decrease in the appreciated moments of comfort.
A survey conducted by the Spanish Society for Obesity, found that being in a relationship fattens you four to five kilos. The study involved 2314 people, of whom 99% are women, falling in love makes us eat more, we have dinners high in fat, and we increase the desserts watching television. But, exercise and having a boyfriend! Its posiblle.
Train on your free time. You should take advantage of the moments when you two are not together to pamper yourself sweating a little. Organize training sessions at times when you often see him, will generate more conflict and rejection to do exercise. Go to the gym in the morning or find a moment at night to run, try to do functional exercises that help burn calories fast and in a short time.
Change the menu. Although you two probably have a favorite food and you like to order pizzas to eat at home, start slowly choose more healthy options. Choosing a healthier dish is a way to care of your boyfriend and strengthen your willpower to continue training.
Avoid sleepless nights. It is normal to meet with friends and go out until midnight. Having boyfriend does not have to harm your health. Not getting enough rest will make want to eat more fat and exercise less. Break this habit! Decrease your nights outs and will have more spirit for training.
Do cardio together. During sexual intercourse after 20 minutes are lost between 150 and 200 calories. Even practice some positions with your boyfriend; you can make it burn up to 600 calories. Exercising under the covers will help strengthen and optimize your performance in the gym.
In addition, you won’t use the treadmill for so long. “The pelvic movements, increased heart rate, dilation of blood vessels in the genitals and orgasm, spend energy similar to any other exercise”; said Fede Delpiano personal trainer.
Encourage him to share your hobby. Finally, never hurts to invite your boyfriend to train together. One way to motivate him is to see the activity as a competition; it will be fun to help each other with the exercises at the gym. A study from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health revealed that a couple that makes exercise together stays together. What are you waiting for?