The touch screen of your cell or mobile phone, this surface we touch hundreds of times a day and every moment, sometimes without realizing it, could become in a source of disease. Electronic devices have the potential to make you very sick. You did not have a clue, right? Well if you are one of those people who worry about their health, read on.
A recent study determined that the screens of phones, especially smartphones can contain hundreds of bacteria. Viruses can easily be transferred from nonporous glass surfaces, such as the touchscreen of a cellphone. Even in a test conducted by a respected university in Spain, was determined that they are covered with up to 18 times more bacteria than a toilet handle. Unbelievable and very nasty, right?
The research focused on establishing the sources of infection by bacteria and microbes common in homes are, and it turned the cell phone as a crucial source of a number of diseases caused by these unseen beings.
Bacteria and microbes found on the screens of cell phones, were similar to those staying in dishwashing sponges, glasses with toothbrushes or rubber parts coffeemakers, blenders are saved or even doors refrigerators.
Salmonella, Campylobacter, or Escherichia coli; They are primary transmitters of all types of intestinal diseases and could be on the screen of your cell phone without you even imagine. So while it may seem incredible, most such diseases are acquired in our own home and through utensils or objects that we think are our exclusive use.
Why does this occur? Experts explain that what happens is that inadvertently touch and have contact with many objects at once, without washing hands or desinfectarnos between touch and touch. Do some memory and see that it does happen, even unconsciously.
Touch screen phone, touch the keyboard of the computer, open the refrigerator, we prepare a sandwich, back to touch the screen in order; we could write lines and lines telling actions we carry out without washing hands. Indeed, if we are honest enough and think how many times a day we wash our hands, surely, will be less than it should.
But while already the problem is determinated, there is also the solution. So be careful, in principle, keep the area clean; because although they are sensitive equipment can use a microfiber cloth to clean it, even up with distilled water or antibacterial gel. The important thing is to do it very carefully and avoid using excess liquid or pour directly inside, always on the cloth and rub gently.
In short, there are many ways to care for your high-tech equipment, but also and more importantly, your health. So never forget to wash your hands and take extra hygiene measures at home.