There’s no harm to get tips to take care of your sense of sight, considering that this is responsible for the processing of 90 percent of the information received by the human being; hence the importance of protecting the eyes from the external factors which they are exposed to, as well as of feeding as a fundamental element of the integral health and of the eye health.
On the other hand, the eyes are considered one of the smallest organs of the body, and also some of the most delicate, because they coordinate their work with the brain, so that the human being can interpret the shape, texture, colour and size of everything that surrounds us, as well as the distance to which the objects are and even the speed at which they move. A very delicate and important function for our functioning and development in the environment. Without the eyes we would not know what the world around us is like.
However, we must admit that although our eyes and in general our sense of sight is so essential to our life, we often do not give them the necessary protection although most of the problems that affect vision usually have simple solutions, which in turn are preventive measures that we should never leave for later. Therefore, we will present next tips to take care of your sense of sight that you must follow to the letter:
a) Adequate food: For eye protection, it is important to eat properly with a balanced diet and to consume foods rich in vitamin A, which is essential for sight and is found in foods such as carrots, asparagus, apricots and milk. In turn, you should consume more vegetables and fish, in addition to omega-3, vitamins C and E, as well as antioxidant nutrients such as carotenoids.
b) Drink 2 litres of water per day: This will help you to maintain your comprehensive health and especially your eye health, because when the body is not sufficiently hydrated, the physiological balance of the eyes can be lost, presenting eye irritations and problems related to glaucoma.
c) Watch television at an adequate distance: When watching television for a considerable time, the device should be placed at an appropriate distance, for example, if the TV is 46 inches it should be between 3 and 2.5 meters from where you are, and if it is 32 inches you should be between 2.5 to 2 meters.
d) Your eyes should always be hydrated: So it is important that you blink frequently, especially when you are working for a long time on a computer. On the other hand, you should keep ventilated the place where you work or stay for a long time, and if you suffer from dry eye, and / or wear contact lenses, it is advisable to use artificial tears.
e) Maintain adequate lighting: In the area where you work, you must maintain good lighting, because you are making an important visual effort, especially when working in front of a computer; or you should read a lot of information, to avoid eye fatigue that affects the eyesight and long term it can bring major problems.
f) Place the computer monitor at a suitable distance: Usually the average distance to which the monitor of your face should be is about 50 to 60 centimetres with an angle of 90 degrees in order to avoid eye fatigue. In addition, it is essential to use a screen protector that minimizes the effect of the monitor light on your eyes.
g) Wear sunglasses: The use of sunglasses protects against solar radiation, which can be very damaging to the eyes, ensuring that they have a filter for ultraviolet rays. In addition, these glasses are useful to protect them from elements of the environment that are harmful to the eyes and that come directly through the wind, which generally contains contaminating agents that can cause infections.
h) Take care of the hygiene of contact lenses: The daily cleaning of contact lenses is essential when they are not permanent. If yours are, you should follow the recommendations of your doctor and clean them in the time determined by him. On the other hand, you should be very careful with the remains of makeup that can fall on contact lenses, because they can cause serious problems in your eyes.
i) Perform massages on your eyes: This type of massage should be done by exerting slight pressure around the eyes, forehead and between the eyebrows, which will help to lower the tension that accumulates in the whole area, especially in those stressful days, when you shout for a rest. In addition, it is advisable to practice muscle relaxation exercises and / or change of focus to avoid visual fatigue.
j) Do not abuse the use of cell phones: In this era of cell phones and Internet we spent many hours manipulating this device, so we must be careful not to abuse its use, as well as not to use it with lights off, or approach it so much to the face.
k) Go to the ophthalmologist: The ophthalmologist should be visited regularly to have a routine check; do not expect to be affected by an eye problem. If, in addition, you use conventional corrective or contact lenses, you should go to your trusted ophthalmologist frequently.
l) Disconnect from the world 8 hours a day: Sleeping well and resting are essential not only for the health of your eyes, but for comprehensive health. Specialists say that if a person sleeps 7 to 8 hours a day, cardiovascular function is improved, skin cells are regenerated and better visual health can be maintained.