When speaking of couples, the first months are total and complete love, but there is always a moment in the relationship we feel like these days of happiness unfortunately are running out. This should not be cause for extreme concern, since this seems to be a common problem in all couples. Below is a summary of some “tips” that may be helpful when you feel there is nothing more you can do.
From the outset, we must always keep in mind is choosing our partner consciously. Although you will be different in many moments, you should always keep in mind that should have common or similar things in life, such as interests, tastes and sympathies; but if you have different goals as a couple, you should think that perhaps this is not the right, or simply do not have a positive future with him, because, with the pass of time, these will be very strong and difficult to overcome. If there is no compatibility on basics, it is unlikely that the relationship keeps stable, unless happy.
Sincerity: This is one of the most important steps for building a happy relationship, you should always tell your partner how you feel, no matter what it is. Share all kinds of thoughts and feelings is primary, this will help grow tremendously trust between you and your partner; always remember that the secrets will be the poison which killing slowly the love for your partner.
Stay together in good times and bad: Never cheat your partner, this can cause an irreparable damage to self-esteem and confidence of his beloved; could cause never trust you again, and would be a step toward self-destruction of the relationship. Ask yourself worth sex destroy so much cost me build? If you do not feel good about their relationship, it makes sense to complete it before starting another.
Do not set aside details: Both men and women like to receive, even a detail of your loved one, this will help your special someone to see the interest, or at least know what you think in it at some point of the day; never forget this! This step can be one of the most important in a relationship, surprise your partner with a nice dinner or a romantic and unexpected getaway.
Never ask for expensive gifts: This can be a big mistake; your partner may think you are with him just for money, the best gifts come from the heart, and do not cost a fortune! Remember it!
Maintain a happy relationship with your partner can be difficult, but never forget the feature that led to choose among all others; keep alive that connection, always remember the good times not close, and receive with open arms, in bad and good times!