To have a healthy hair, isn’t enough to spend long hours at the hairdresser, embellishing it, or using the best shampoo and conditioner; your hair needs different cares, whether oily, dry, mixed, natural or dyed.


The different layers on hair are formed by protective cells, keratin and pigments; when the relation between these elements deteriorates, it needs to take action to improve the appearance of it, getting a healthy hair without investing much time or high costs. To do this, follow these tips.

Wash the hair properly: clean the scalp is very important, choosing the right products according to your type of hair, nevertheless, it is not recommended to massage using much strength, you have to rub it gently using the fingertips, eliminating dirt, grease and sweat. The renowned stylist “ Luis Llongeras”, author of the book “ the Llongeras method for Dummies” he thinks that hair is not just something that is washed, combed and cut, to make the best of it, you have to find out how is it “naturally” and how is it health.


Rinse with cold water:  the hot water weakens the scalp, slackening the hair root and causing fall. It’s the cold water which seals the hair cuticles, making it bright, with an enviable silkiness, also it stimulate circulation, allowing healthy hair, which grows abundantly.

Drying and styling your hair properly: avoiding damage to the outer cuticle, dry your hair gently after washing, you can do it with the natural breeze or using the lowest temperature of the dryer; but, if you want a perfect drying, use it with a medium heat, once a week. The use of brushes with natural or mixed bristles is most recommended; untangle your hair carefully, combing it slowly so that it does not break, if you want, do it with your fingers.

Cut the ends of the hair: the appearance of split ends, it remains attractive to your hair; sun exposure, subjecting it to excessive heat and constant use of dyes and other chemicals, causes this phenomenon. Apply conditioner with sunblock when you go receiving natural or artificial heat; however, a deep hydration treatment will help to prevent it, but if you have the ends of the hair very open, it should be cut to maintain a healthy hair.


Natural oils: take one or three times per week olive oil, castor oil, coconut and almond, distributing from the middle of the hair to the ends, letting it work for 20 minutes. This process will provide an excellent hydration and a protection against the external agents that damage the hair. In the “YouTube” channel “Expliscat Mexico” follow some “tips” to have a healthy hair.

A healthy hair can be seen by the brightness remaining in its color; protect it regularly, give it strength with the appropriate treatments. Treat your hair with love, it adorns you completely, being your letter of introduction with any “look” you look.



  1. Emily says:

    I like the advice of the natural oil for extra moisture. My hair is very dry and brittle and more products does not change, I will try with oil

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