It is advisable to follow some tips to combat dental sensitivity, an ailment that suffers between 20 and 35% of the population that is affected at different levels, bringing with it very negative consequences, which warrant knowledge of its causes, effects on the comprehensive health, ways to treat and combat it; the reason why next we will try to present a general description of the subject; in order to prevent this dental disorder.
Statistics indicate that the highest number of cases of dental sensitivity occurs in the population between 30 and 40 years, with a higher prevalence in women, smokers, and people with periodontal disease; and in 68% of cases, they are associated with gingival recessions; being the most common the one caused by cold, occurring in 93% of cases in the vestibular faces, in 25% in canine teeth and 24% in premolars.
We must start from the basis that dental sensitivity is associated with acute pain in the teeth, caused by exposure of the dentin; and it is favoured by external agents, which could be thought to be harmless, but which generate many problems, such as heat or cold, touch, and very often caused by sweets or acids that the person ingests.
According to specialists in the field, this painful process begins when the fluids that are inside the tubules of the teeth are altered by physical, thermal and osmotic changes that occur, causing pressure receptors to be stimulated, generating nervous excitement, which in turn causes dental pain.
When there is oral health, it is normal for the dentin to be properly protected by the enamel or crown, which is the hardest part of the body, as well as by the root or cement, which is thinner and less hard, and is It is protected by the gums. But, in areas such as the neck of the teeth, in general, there is less amount of enamel and/or cement; and if it is lost, the dentinal tubules are exposed to the oral environment.
Thus, the gingival recession attacks the teeth, losing the thin layer of cement, because it remains in contact with the oral environment; wearing away by the continuous action of tooth-brushing and the use of toothpicks that act negatively on this area.
On the other hand, inadequate oral hygiene favours the accumulation of oral biofilm or bacterial plaque, destroying enamel and cement, a process that occurs mostly with the consumption of foods with low pH (acid), a condition that encourages enamel erosion and of cement. Among these foods are citrus, soft drinks, jams, wine, yogurt, tea, among others, so if you suffer from tooth sensitivity, try not to eat them frequently.
Other procedures that cause gingival recession are root scraping and periodontal surgery, because there is a slight removal of the cement and a displacement of the gingival margin. Also, some substances used during the teeth whitening process, can cause temporary or temporary levels of tooth sensitivity.
On the other hand, there are people who suffer from so-called bruxism (gnashing of the teeth), which generally have incisal and occlusal wear and fractures; that derive from the strong tensions of this grinding. Something that brings with it the loss of the crystals, and in this way the dentin has direct contact with the oral medium; significantly affecting the denture.
Likewise, there are pathologies associated with the contact of acids in the oral cavity, such as bulimia, anorexia and gastric ulcers, which cause greater dental erosion and cause dental sensitivity in some cases.
To combat this condition, it is advisable and essential to use a specific toothbrush for this oral condition, which can offer a delicate cleaning, with extra soft filaments, rounded and textured ends, which must be combined with a correct brushing method, without pressing too hard.
In addition, toothpaste or mouthwash and non-abrasive gels must be used, which contain specific active ingredients against tooth sensitivity. some advice to combat tooth sensitivity is based on brushing in a reasonable time of about 5 minutes after consuming acidic foods, so that saliva can neutralize the acid pH and the enamel is not softened; to avoid wear. It is recommended to eat foods such as cheese or milk, which will counteract the erosive effect on the enamel.
When the cases are more complicated, it is advisable to apply treatments in dental clinics, which are based on the application of adhesive resins to seal the tubules, desensitizing gels, or gum grafts to cover recessions.