Some people suffer jewelry allergy since their level of sensitivity is higher before certain materials and not necessarily with all. For example, there are people who are allergic to steel, gold, silver, platinum, zamak, etc., but these kind of allergies are less frequent than imitation jewelry or lower quality materials. For these reasons, we will give you some tips to avoid these conditions.
Observe the skin carefully when wearing jewelry: Allergy to jewelry must be observed very well since if you do not pay attention to it considering that it only causes a slight irritation, it may cause major problems that damage the skin; so you must be aware of the signals that your body sends you.
It should be noted that the allergy to jewelry made with certain materials may be due to the composition of the metal, the pH of the skin that is different in each person and manifests itself through sweat, or the fact that the person is taking some medicine to treat a condition he / she has, although it may also be because he / she has some accumulated product in his / her body that causes skin reactions.
Clean your jewelry very well: The level of skin involvement can vary depending on the person, and may sometimes be simple problems that can be avoided if jewelry is properly and thoroughly cleaned. So it is recommended, for example, using bicarbonate directly on the piece of jewelry, leaving it to work for about 20 minutes, then washing it with enough water, drying it very well and keeping it in a place where there is no moisture, preferably in cloth packaging.
Avoid accumulation of products in jewelry: Allergy to jewelry could also be due to the accumulation of products such as perfumes, cream soaps or detergents, which when reacting with the metal and having contact with the skin, produce irritation, itching and even swelling. These reasons are more than enough to effectively prevent this problem by selecting a correct cleaning method depending on the material.
Avoid buying cosmetics that contain titanium dioxide or zinc oxide: These chemical compounds present in some cosmetics could cause allergy to jewelry or stains due to the fact that they react easily with the metals of the jewelry, causing a metallic abrasion that could produce strong irritations and damage the skin a lot.
For these reasons, it is best to avoid applying this type of cosmetics, as well as to wash the areas of the skin with soap and water that have been in direct contact with this type of product.
Be careful with the corrosion of 14 and 18 carat gold: Although it is not so frequent, keep in mind that gold can also show corrosion, and you must observe very carefully which jewels are presenting this problem, perhaps the condition began when you wore a 14 carat gold jewel and did not pay attention to it, then you wore a jewel made of another material such as silver, for example, and now you are blaming the problem on the latter. That’s why you should watch closely when the symptoms have started.
Beware of allergy to imitation jewelry: As a general rule, jewelry is considered to be the main sources of allergies because they contain nickel, which usually causes dermatitis. So, the best advice in these cases is to buy quality jewelry according to your level of sensitivity because there are people whose body works very well with imitation jewelry.
It is important that you know that the symptoms of allergy to nickel jewelry are redness, itching, skin rashes, and even blisters, pimples, scabs, and swelling that generally appear between 6 to 24 hours after wearing a piece of jewelry with this material.
Check if you have allergy to nickel: If you are allergic to this element, it is safest to discard the jewelry that contains it and wear 14, 18 or 24-carat yellow gold jewelry instead, although it is not recommended wearing white gold because it could contain nickel in its composition.
Wear jewelry containing titanium: As a general rule, jewelry containing this element produces very few allergies, so try buying pieces of jewelry that contain it instead of those materials that you already know cause it. Also, sterling silver, copper and platinum are good alternatives when we are allergic to gold garments, although these cases are less frequent.
On the other hand, it is important to know that allergy to jewelry is a lot more frequent in women than in men and affect a good percentage in different parts of the world. So take your precautions, watch your skin carefully, and identify what materials cause allergies to you to avoid these kinds of problems which could even weaken your body’s natural resistance level over time.