Is there really the wonderful elixir of youth? This is a question that many people have wanted to answer for centuries, and to have the magic formula that guarantees them to enjoy eternal youth, or at least for a longer period of time. To address this much discussed issue; let’s start clarifying, that The term elixir is derived from Latin and refers to a sweet liquid widely used since ancient times to cure diseases.
Already in the times of the Spanish conquests in America, the explorer Juan Ponce de León, when he arrived at Isla del Encanto, Puerto Rico, was disappointed by the few material wealth found, but then He heard the natives of the island speak about the elixir of youth or source of eternal youth, and decided to carry out the expedition in 1513 to locate this source, but what he discovered was the current state of Florida in the United States.
Speaking in real and scientific terms, the elixir of eternal youth, does not yet exist, however, some scientists and researchers assert that if it could exist and that it is much closer to meet; Proof of these are studies conducted by a group of scientists from the University of Milan in Italy, who have elaborated a food supplement for mice, which contains amino acids capable of increasing the life expectancy of these animals; and that can be the starting point to find the long-awaited elixir of youth.
This formula is made from branched chain amino acids; BCAA calls, according to its acronym in English, which include isoleucine, valine and leucine. By providing the supplement to the mice, the life expectancy was increased to 869 days in mice given the supplement, compared to 774 days for the untreated; with a 12 percent increase in longevity; observed in turn, an increase in the mitochondria of the heart and skeletal muscles, which gives the cells a greater amount of energy.
On the other hand, there are other experiments that can provide many elements to find the elixir of youth, and that have led a group of scientists to a surprising discovery to “rejuvenate old cells”; and make them function as young cells, which could increase youth to unsuspected limits.
These discoveries are based on the existence of elements present in the cells, called “telomeres” which act as protectors of the chromosomes, and as the years go by they become shorter, and in each process of reproduction of the cells, the telomeres lose size, leaving the chromosomes unprotected.
Nevertheless, scientists have managed to make a gene splice, and when this happens, the cells are rejuvenated. Dr. Eva Latorre, one of the main members of the team of researchers, expressed the following “when I saw that one of the cells of the crop plate had rejuvenated, I could not believe it, the old cells looked like young cells, it was like magic.” These discoveries increase hope not only within the scientific community, but in most human beings, that the magic formula for the elixir of youth is finally found.
Another of the team’s scientists, Dr. Richard Faragher, said “our discovery of cell rejuvenation, through the use of these simple compounds, shows the enormous contribution that can be made to millions of affected people, if a drug that minimizes the effects of age”.
However, it is convenient to ask ourselves, is it possible that the governments of the world allow people to live so many years? whereas this increase in people’s longevity would bring social security expenses to the states, coupled with the increase in birth rates, and other factors that may influence the administrative functioning of countries, could prove counterproductive for the most powerful; and it could happen that the formula of the elixir of youth is exclusive of minority groups, which are not interested in the masses having access to it.
Undoubtedly, we are in the presence of a problem not only scientific, but also ethical, human and spiritual, which could lead the human being to a conflict of values, equal or worse than those we have been facing since ancient times. But, there are millions of people pending the progress of these experiments, and perhaps very soon there will be more concrete answers about the elixir of youth, as well as all the benefits that it would bring to humanity.
Hopefully the supplements with amino acids and the findings about telomeres clear the way, so that the human being achieves a better quality of life globally and greater longevity; while finding the right formula for the balance of life on planet earth.