Known by its scientific name like “cucumis melo”, the melon is a fruit that is consumed mostly fresh like a dessert, due to its sweet and unique flavor. It has a hard skin and watery flesh with seeds embedded in it. The most popular varieties of typical summer melon are divided into two:
The first is “netted”, characterized by a shell full of a tangle of embossed lines and a deep yellow pulp that is very fragrant and tasty.
And the second is represented by the summer “cantaloupe melon”, which has a smooth skin and a slightly lighter pulp.
On the other hand, the substances in the melon, considering 100 grams of pulp, are water in a proportion of 90%, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and dietary fiber. As for minerals, it contains potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium. Vitamin C, niacin or vitamin B3 and small percentages of vitamin A are also fund.
Thanks to the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it has, the properties of the melon are numerous, including the following:
-The melon has cooling and diuretic properties; the presence of vitamin A gives the melon antioxidant properties that may be beneficial in counteracting the destructive activity of free radicals.
-The presence of beta-carotene in melon stimulates the body to produce melanin, the main pigment in our skin, while vitamin B plays an active role in depression.
– Even bones benefit from the consumption of melon, in fact, abundant phosphorus and calcium play a protective role against osteoporosis.
-The good percentage of potassium in the pulp has beneficial effects on circulation and blood pressure.
Therefore, check out the benefits this fruit can provide thanks to its varied properties:
-Properties against cancer: The high content of carotenoids in the fruit is said to prevent cancer and reduce the risk of lung cancer. Therefore, regular consumption of this fruit could be effective in preventing and killing the cancer seeds that invade your body.
-Heart health: An anticoagulant called adenosine present in the melon can stop the clotting of blood cells that cause stroke or heart disease. Several studies suggest that consumption of melon reduces the risk of heart disease by thinning blood in the body. In addition, the high water content in the melon provides a soothing effect that helps to relieve heartburn.
-It cleanses the kidneys and urinary system: given the excellent diuretic properties of melon and its high water content, if consumed regularly, it helps eliminate toxins accumulated in our body through the kidneys, something that also helps to improve the appearance of our skin.
In summary, it is important to mention that there are many other benefits provided by this incredible fruit. So, if you are a fruit lover, you already have several more reasons to enjoy the benefits of melon.