Minerals like any living being are full of energy, which give them specific properties and / or qualities that human beings can enjoy or take advantage of according to their needs. This is how we have wonderful sources of energy that we often do not know or do not want to take advantage of, either due to ignorance or because they are not part of our beliefs. However, we must tell you that precious or semiprecious stones are living beings like man, plants and animals, which do not move, but capture and transmit energy.
In this order of ideas, we have selected a wonderful stone like the amethyst to describe the great properties and benefits of this beautiful crystal of the quartz family because its use can positively influence many aspects of our lives.
The amethyst is characterized by a violet colour which can vary its tone, presenting dark or light tones according to the amount of iron contained in the gem since it is quartz of magmatic origin and therefore is in places where iron oxide abounds, the reason why it has such striking violet tonalities.
Now, it something characterizes the amethyst is undoubtedly that capacity to reinforce positivity in our lives, achieving to cause favourable effects in each person; for example, transforming attitudes and behaviour, smooth or solve situations and negative experiences to achieve much more harmonic, relaxed and happy environments.
On the other hand, this so acknowledged and used gem in fabulous jewellery has a double functionality because it can act not only on the physical body but also on the mind body of that modern woman who must work and take care of the home, who faces lots of things at once that make her thinking be very active, stressing her and sometimes unbalancing her day.
Then, when a piece of amethyst is acquired, certain details must be considered, since depending on its tonality, it fulfils certain function, so when the tone is darker its effects are observed in the physical part of the body, but when the quartz presents lighter shades, its effect is more energetic or emotional, acting on the mind body. Likewise, the tips and structure in general should be checked, which must be well formed to ensure that it is of good quality.
Remember that as women, we dream of having a life as stable as possible, in which family love is essential, so we want to fulfil our roles as a person, partner, mother and daughter in the best way, which is the reason why we look for necessary tools to do so, hence the importance of incorporating magical stones such as the amethyst into our lives that helps us to find emotional stability, making our thoughts be open, creative and above all constructive in favour of a favourable wellbeing state for all.
As if that were not enough, this wonderful stone will help us to regulate and stimulate the production of hormones to relieve the annoying pains of menstruation, to reduce muscular pains throughout the body in order to fill us with energy and a high self-esteem to make the decision making easier and in general, our daily development.
An important and basic aspect for the emotional health of relationships is the calming effect it provides us with, making our level of jealousy decrease and our esteem increase so that we feel more attractive, which could have a direct impact on the increase in sexual lust, essential to maintain a harmonious relationship and full of love. To achieve these effects, it is recommended to place it at least 10 minutes a day in direct contact with the skin, and if you have Jewelleries with this stone, it would be ideal for you to carry it with you as long as possible.
It is for this reason that the amethyst has been considered since antiquity as one of the stones with greater energetic and spiritual properties, so its healing power is present not only in the body but also in the soul of the woman, and its violet colour represents the transmutation of negative into positive, since its vibration favours the inner growth, contributing tranquillity, calmness and peace in the daily worries, in our attitudes and behaviours, and providing wisdom in the decision making.
Therefore, do not think too much to acquire a piece of amethyst because it will bring positive energies to your environment, providing fundamental inner strength to get on the right path to achieve your achievements and goals, strengthening especially the spirit, which will make the soul evolve.
A fundamental element in our lives and in the achievement of our objectives and goals is “planning”, and this transmuting gem favours the planning of thought, favouring the flow of new ideas, as well as the capacity for organization and understanding the cause-effect, essential to understand situations better and give them the level of importance they really have.
That ability to transmute gives it a place of honour in the processes of meditation, because it helps us to breathe properly and relax, increasing intuition, memory and especially the understanding of our environment. So, if we use this stone at least 10 minutes a day, placing it in the centre of our head, which represents the crown chakra, we would be stimulating the pineal and pituitary gland, which favours our mind clarity and the reinforcement of our neurons that allow our thinking to be much more clear and focused in order to control the mind flow and optimize our organization and daily planning, effectively coordinating everything related to family, partner and work, which significantly reduces stress.
A recurring habit in many women is to fill themselves with repetitive thoughts that absorb their energy day by day, filling them with fears and insecurities, which is minimized and / or controlled if they take an amethyst with them, since this stone has the ability to favour the increase of self-confidence.
Now, to achieve the aforementioned benefits, we recommend the use of three amethyst stones which should be placed in the following way: one on the forehead, one on the heart and the last one on the belly for about 10 minutes or more if you have time and feel comfortable, so adopt a comfortable position. It is important to note that this procedure must be accompanied by repetitions of positive phrases that increase self-esteem, mind clarity and planning within the life project.
In this way, the levels of self-esteem rise, for which it is required that there is a balance between what is thought, what is said and what is done, so we must encourage the balance between our mind, emotions and soul by relaxing our nervous system and decreasing anxiety produced by the pace of life we lead.
In addition, to achieve these objectives you can perform a simple exercise which involves carrying three small amethysts in your pocket throughout the day to touch them when needed, especially in everyday situations that cause concern or stress as these cause a chemical effect by touching them constantly that makes the body and mind relax.
On the other hand, it is advisable to perform daily meditations of 10 minutes or more, encouraging an appropriate atmosphere with the use of incense and relaxing music and placing amethysts in different parts of the body to relieve stress, fatigue and daily stress.
Turning now to the physical properties of this stone, we must say that there are many, but it mainly acts as a hormonal regulator, in addition to reinforcing the intestinal flora and regulating the intestine, strengthening the respiratory system, the reproductive system and the immune system, increasing the body’s defences, relieving rheumatic pain, reducing the pain during menstruation, reducing the pain and frequency of migraines, solving skin problems, influencing positively the nervous system, and reducing stress.
Taking into account the list of physical benefits that the amethyst brings, we will now go deeper into the treatment that through Gem therapy can be applied to certain conditions, and it is based on the use of minerals to heal the body, the mind and the spirit, considering that each mineral has properties that act on the body, and if we place them directly on it, a greater well-being could be achieved in the quality of life.
Let’s start with the famous migraines that affect so many women in the world. That constant headache that drives us crazy is directly related to the first chakra or crown chakra, for which it is recommended placing two crystals for 10 minutes or more, one in the centre of the head, between the two cerebral hemispheres, and the other one under the neck.
Intestinal pains or menstruation: To relieve these so annoying pains, the amethyst should be rubbed for 10 minutes minimum on the area of the belly and the second chakra, giving circular movements in a clockwise direction, in addition to placing it for 20 minutes a day, between the pubic area and the navel.
Rheumatic pain: To relieve these pains, place the amethyst on the part of the body where the pain is located, and do a gentle massage, repeating about 10 minutes daily during the days considered necessary.
To finish we will recommend doing cleanings on their stones because these can be charged with negative ions, which can break or become unbalanced limiting their functions and their healing power. It is recommended performing this procedure approximately every two months, preferably exposing it for three days to the full or waxing moon, never to sunlight. It can also be cleaned with a cold infusion of mint, pennyroyal or sea water, or by being buried next to a plant for a couple of weeks.