Do you believe in the power of clairvoyance? What is there true in that natural clairvoyance or clairvoyance is a faculty or capacity that some people have from birth that comes with them and is of divine or spiritual origin? Or is only a mind power that some develop more than others? Or is it simply an act of manipulation of these people to influence the credibility of the majority of superstitious people who believe in a spiritual world above all things, and make them easy targets of unscrupulous beings?

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This whole series of questions is being asked by millions of people all over the world, even more so when since ancient times the man has believed in a spiritual world, in a God, in that energy that allows us to be alive, ruled by principles and values that make us believe that there is life beyond this terrestrial plane, in other dimensions. So, why not believe that the power of clairvoyance exists, and rule out the veracity of many events that have taken place and which there are records of?

Therefore, if we analyse it from the spiritual and mind point of view, even from the theories that explain the energy that emerges from the cosmos and that composes everything that exists, the power of clairvoyance can be seen as that ability to see and receive information about events, situations or facts of the present, the past or the future that have happened individually to someone who has consulted a psychic, or that will happen to humanity in the future, since the past is obviously very likely to be known by the clairvoyant.

We can say that the power of clairvoyance only shows us that there is something beyond this earthly plane, in that spiritual and mind world that perhaps it is only one thing that connects us with the cosmos, with God, with the universal energies, and provides us with a capacity to see the future through dreams, images, voices, sounds, sudden thoughts, etc., sometimes helped by resources such as the tarot, the famous crystal ball, among others in order to access information that can guide us in relation to events that are about to happen, or that will happen long after being predicted.

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Considering these approaches, we are going to present to you a short list of some of the most famous clairvoyants in history, and about which many conjectures are woven today:

Nostradamus: This clairvoyant is one of the celebrities of all time, and now his prophecies continue to be a reason for analysis and conditioning, especially when he said he was not a prophet and did not guarantee that these would happened, perhaps that’s why many believed him.

He made quite serious prophecies long in advance, such as the great eruption of the Vesuvius volcano, in Italy, the collapse of world economy, the fall of the World Trade Centre, the great advances in medicine which will make human beings live two hundred years or more, a great earthquake in the United States which will affect other countries, the fact that humans will be able to understand and talk to animals, that the sky will open and the fields will be burned by heat.

Likewise, he predicted that there will be no freedom to procreate children, nor differences between languages, because a machine that will translate everything into a universal language will be invented; and that in 3797 the end of the world will happen. Among the prophecies that have come true are: the great fire of London; the Second World War; the birth and fall of Hitler; the fall of the World Trade Centre and the death of Princess Diana, among others.

Criswell: This clairvoyant began working as a weather man on a television channel; and one day he forgot all the information he had to say about time, so he had to improvise, managing to hit on all that he said; so from that moment he made his predictions that way, getting many more hits than conventional meteorologists. He accurately predicted Kennedy’s death in 1963. However, he made surprising predictions that never came true, like, for example, the death of Fidel Castro in 1970, and that actress Mae West would be President of the United States.

Madame Lenormand: This clairvoyant rendered her services to Napoleon Bonaparte and Josefina, his wife; but after his divorce, which the clairvoyant predicted, he pronounced laws against clairvoyance and cartomancy. She got to know three famous personages of the French Revolution: Saint Just, Robespierre and Marat, whom she predicted a violent death, reason for which she was arrested when considering her suspect of the deaths happened later.

Joan Quigley: She was the private astrologist of President Ronald Reagan who, when publishing his memoirs, revealed that most of the transcendent decisions he made were guided by Joan Quigley’s predictions, although Nancy Reagan denied such claims.

Rasputin: This clairvoyant was a Russian monk who has had an important place in world history, since he was a counsellor of the last tsars of Russia, with Nikolai II; and his decisions were taken into account, even going so far as to appoint senior officials of the Czar’s government.

Rasputin was highly respected as a mystic, healer and clairvoyant, so the Tsarina Alexandra Fedorovna placed great trust in him, to the point that she came to entrust him the health of his son, Alexis Nikolayevich, who suffered from haemophilia, and improved significantly when treated by Rasputin, a fact that earned him a very important position in the palaces of the Czar.

However, envy seemed to roam the palaces of the Czar, and there was a conspiracy by several nobles to kill him, beginning with his poisoning, but Rasputin did not fall, which terrified his murderers, who decided to shoot him. But he ran, which impacted the nobles, so they decided to throw him into the Neva River once they captured him; however, they were never sure of his death.

Edgar Cayce: This American clairvoyant stood out very much for having the ability to see and answer all the questions on various topics that were asked to him while he was in a hypnotic trance, which was called “life readings.” In addition, while responding, he could correctly guess the person’s state of health, which is why he is considered the father of holistic medicine and one of the most important and recognized psychics of the 20th century.

Cayce was also engaged in regressions to past lives, so he had the ability to see events of these lives, which at that time were not well known or accepted; however, today many people talk about the subject, relating it to past lives and reincarnation.

Rappel: He is the Spanish clairvoyant whose name is Rafael Payá Pinilla; he has been the most famous Spanish clairvoyant of all times. At the time of Franco’s dictatorship, he became known as a clairvoyant, which took him to television and to make his predictions in magazines and newspapers of the time, managing to appear daily on television in the eighties.

Monk Abel: This Russian peasant, whose real name was Vasili Vasiliev, was born in 1757 and died in 1841; and among its most important predictions are the quite anticipated death of the tsarina Catherine II and Paul I, plus a war between Russia and Napoleon’s France, facts that really happened.

Vanga: This Bulgarian clairvoyant, became very famous for making predictions that were subsequently came true, such as the fall of Hitler, the death of Stalin, the assassination of Kennedy, the arrival of communism in Bulgaria, the becoming of Richard Nixon into president, and he also made a shocking revelation when saying that the Russian astronaut Gagarin, the first man to leave Earth’s orbit, had not died, but was abducted by aliens.

Kotanraju Narayana: This Indian clairvoyant who was born in 1931 made some important predictions such as the war in Iraq, the capture of Saddam Hussein in Iraq by the Americans, the excessive growth of India, the great drought that would affect this country in 2002, the Gujarate earthquake and the fall of the Soviet Union; all these events happened as predicted.

Serguey Vronski: This native Latvian clairvoyant also made important predictions, such as the defeat of Germany in World War II, the death of Hitler, events that happened, but he also predicted the dominance of the world by the yellow race, which it is understood that it is the Chinese; the economic instability of Russia for a century; and that there will be a unique religion in the future.

René Genon: This clairvoyant of the twentieth century highlighted and impacted the world with unique events, since he said to have visions of the moment in which Atlantis will be found, and that also since then the current civilization will disappear.