The natives of Aries are independent and love their freedom. While the love and appreciation of others are important to them, they cannot stand being controlled, not even if they are in love, and if control threatens the relationship, they will simply put it aside.
Their ruling planet is Mars, which is the planet of war and they do not know how to stop when they start a battle. They are annoyed to show their weakness and for this reason on many occasions they are labelled as arrogant.
The key phrase of Aries is “I am”, which reflects their main quality and it is what drives them to achieve their goals. It also symbolizes the search for their spiritual identity.
The strongest point of the Arians is their personality. They have a will of steel, they are competitive and very practical. They tend to be very generous and with a lot of love to give, but if there is any obstacle in their way, they are capable of attacking with fury and without control.
Aries loves challenges and adventure. They are winners par excellence and enjoy it. They are very energetic and brave people. Their enthusiasm for the things that interest them is contagious. They are extremely impulsive and sometimes have little patience. Adventure is their middle name and they tend to take more risks than they should. To some extent they are rancorous. If they are offended it is very difficult to reconcile with them.
The natives of Aries are very good friends, they are straightforward and honest, although sometimes they hurt the feelings of others, they are vigilant and love to support a good cause. They are innate leaders and their energy is contagious,
On the negative side, they hate to wait, they cannot bear to fail or be mistaken, do not admit tyrants and do not like the advice of others, and they are dominant, imprudent, irritable, violent, intolerant, inconstant, thoughtless, impertinent, abrupt, and even aggressive
Often Arians sin of optimism and try to do things faster than they can. If they are controlled and disciplined, they can contribute to their professional environment and society.
Their partner will be their centre of attention and they will take great care of them. They usually love with great passion and they own a high sexual libido. As parents, they are willing to do everything for the welfare of their children. They are very committed and dedicated.
They trust in their strength and do not even stop to think about obstacles, they are very fighters, extremely sentimental, they are extreme, and they hate or love with equal intensity.
A slow and routine work bores them, they need challenges to live. They own great self-worth and self-discipline.
The greatest power of the natives of Aries is their courage, which allows them to go ahead in any circumstance. No matter what, an Arian will always stand out. It is a very intuitive sign that will help you make important decisions. They should always pay attention to their “hunches” as they will always guide them to the right path.