The power of affirmations goes beyond the mere belief of fighting for desires or personal dreams. Every person must have a list, not of tasks to do, but goals to achieve, unaccomplished objectives, when having them defined; you will count on having a better strategy to finally transfer them from illusion to reality.


The first step to give effect to the power of affirmations is to know what you want. To have a clear view of the desired is the fundamental basis to establish a key map to them. The results are achieved by knowing the procedure to solve them. Ambiguity and confusion is the number one enemy of an assertive affirmation and its power recognized by the subconscious and behavior itself.

According to the specialist, Rafael Castillo, the power of affirmations has the capacity to influence the emotional state and the way we respond in moments of crisis.  “The words you use to describe what is happening and to discuss external events, emit feelings of happiness or unhappiness. When you see things in a positive and constructive way and are always looking for the bright side of every situation and in each person, you have the tendency to maintain a joyful and optimistic state.”


Once you have determined the objectives you want to achieve, you have to establish the plan you will follow to get to that desired destiny.  Here is where affirmations come into play so they will be like road signs on the side of the path; it is that compass, that push to continue with the plan and established dreams.

The second step is to commit to those desires and every affirmation put into practice. Like each journey, it’s expected that on the way you will find obstacles and accidents. Your personal power will be to commit; no matter what happens, you will not allow the things that arise to discourage you. To each adversity you have to respond in a constructive way just like recommended by the specialist.


Apart from the external aspect, on occasions, some internal enemies exist, which are the most dangerous. When insecurity and fear want to mess you up, the best thing you can do is to reverse their influence with the same affirmations. Regarding that, Castillo assures that “this is why it is important to care about either the internal and external dialogue. Everything you say about yourself and to everybody else will be printed and fixed in your subconscious mind and it will become part of your personality.”

To overcome each fail is a success in itself. It forges your personality, assures more confidence and also, has the capacity to aim better at the goals to achieve. To know how to use the power of affirmations has an invaluable power, it determines the satisfactions in different fields of life.  It is just enough along with having the courage to overcome inner fear, and adventure out in a world of possibilities, that just awaits your decision.