The accessories are part of the daily life of a woman, they use them as a way to be feminine and beautiful. The earrings are a favorite accessory and are the ones that women can never leave home without because when they see themselves without them, they feel different. Everyone have a favorite pair and tend to use them with all their outfits. But have you thought if these earrings are appropriate for you?

When choosing earrings, is not only important to know how to combine them with your outfit, you should also consider the shape of your face. Every woman has a different face, and with the variety in the market today you must find out what models of earrings go according to the shape of the face. Among the different forms we have:

Round face: As the name implies, this has a circular shape. If your face has this form chooses elongated or straight earrings. The prefect ones are those with geometric figures like triangles. Avoid models that resemble the shape of your face.

Square face: The facial features are strong, especially in the area of the chin. The ideals earrings are those with curves like the rings or elongated. Avoid small earrings, because these emphasize the strong features of the face, getting to make them look a little male.

Rectangular face: This face is similar to the square but elongated. Avoid very long earrings, since these will create an adverse effect on your face. Opt for smaller and curved models.

Heart-Shaped Face: The upper part of the face is wider than the jaw area. Avoid smaller earrings and choose bulky models, as a way to balance your face.

Diamond face: The cheekbones are prominent, making the forehead and chin smaller. The ideals are the big earrings, rings often seen perfect in this type of face.

Oval face: It is the one with greater symmetry in their features, and thanks to this you can choose any type of earrings.

According to the shape of your face you can select the rings that look best on you. It is important that when you use them consider the size of these, so you can have a suitable hairstyle, rather than overshadow your outfit it should highlighted. For small and medium earrings, ideally use hair pulled back; however, for long earrings, you better have it loose, straight or with waves.

In the world of fashion it is important to have a definite style order to choose the clothes that look best on you. If you already have it, it’s time to choose your outfit, choose the earrings that complement it perfectly and go to that event, knowing you will look glamorous and spectacular.





  1. Brit says:

    Definitely this is very helpful because not all earrings will fit or look great according to our type of face.

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