The Star of India is the world’s largest sapphire and has a history of more than two billion years, though it’s only been 300 years since its discovery. Its next appearance was in 1902, under the ownership of John Pierpont Morgan, who later presented it as a gift to the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Sapphires are gemstones with unique features and qualities characteristics that highlight its value.

The gem acquired by Morgan was found in Sri Lanka; it has 563 carats so it was considered as the largest stone in the history; also it possess a rutile mineral that generates an effect of unique asterism (constellation), shaped like a six-pointed star, visible on both sides.

The stay of this natural relic in the museum had no problems until the night of October 29, 1964, when within the looting jewelry among which the Star of India, a black sapphire called Midnight Star also the Delong Star Ruby and diamond Eagle were all taken.

The thieves entered the museum through the bathroom windows. Security was so poor that they had the opportunity to take around 22 stones of abundant beauty. However, the triumph of the thugs didn’t last long, as the police eventually found out the whereabouts of the stones eight weeks later.

Almost all were recovered, including the Star of India; it was just missing the Eagle diamond, which wasn’t trail for several months, it was subsequently recovered in exchange for money.

Sapphires are stones of great distinction; it has a representative blue color, being its color what determines its value, according to the stone color intensity its price could increase or decrease.

The extraction is carried out in various parts of the world, but only in two places there is a great number and variety of this gem: Sri Lanka and Madagascar. Although this stone is usually achieved in blue degradations, the black, green and yellow tones are also magnificent. In addition to being an image of elegance, it has the gifts of truth and wisdom.

Sapphire and ruby are a common component, corundum. This gives the cornerstone needed to position itself in the ninth grade Mohs scale, wherein ten is granted for hardness minerals that denoted strength Therefore, it is not uncommon to hear of its presence in different industries.

Economic and social importance of this gem is evident; ancient stories tell the Persians supposed that the world was supported by a huge sapphire. Despite knowing this is not so, the global veneration continues to climb in the current population.



  1. Nina says:

    How interesting, and it was great to find out that these pieces where recovered so they can be exhibit to be admired.

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