All may be the most toxic signs of the zodiac, but that will depend on how evolved the person is, although zodiacally speaking there are signs that have a greater tendency to be toxic due to their personality, attitudes and behaviors that they generally assume in certain situations.

Emoji Mal Humor Persona Toxica

But we also clarify that a person of the sign considered more toxic, if he is spiritually evolved, can become the most bearable and calm person; or on the contrary, a person of a non-toxic sign could become the most stressful and complicated if he is not evolved. However, next we will present the most toxic signs according to the general trends:

1. Scorpio: This sign takes the gold medal as the most toxic of the zodiac. In general, those born under sign Scorpio are usually negative and selfish when faced with complicated and stressful situations; and when they are nervous, they behave cruelly and hurt no matter what.

On the other hand, they are so changing that their behavior and attitudes can turn 180 degrees in just a moment, so it becomes difficult to maintain a healthy relationship with people of this sign. However, we must say that they are loyal and strong, and if you find the key to getting along with them, they can become excellent couples.

Pareja Encadenada Relación

2. Cancer: The second of the most toxic signs is Cancer, it can really become very complicated and vindictive in situations it does not control since it has wonderful abilities for revenge, showing a dark side with a lot of power, which is usually manifested through black humor, doing everything possible to hurt coldly, moving with evil and managing to magnify discussions.

Those born under this sign are the teachers to express hurtful things, use their intelligence to hurt without mercy, making others feel bad.

3. Pisces: People born under sign Pisces have earned the third place of the most toxic signs of the zodiac, and it is generally said that they become bipolar, showing themselves really unpredictable, you never know how they will react to a conflict situation, taking out all their evil when they do not like something, showing their resentful side with much effort.

Very often Pisces people get angry at situations of any kind, and they can be like this for a long time; but besides that, they do not look for a way to solve it, they prefer living with their resentment than seeking reconciliation with those who are involved in the problem. Therefore, there are two alternatives with them: accepting them as they are, or moving away from them if you do not want to live next to one of the most toxic signs of the zodiac.

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4. Aries: This sign earned a place on the list due to its strong character and temperament that when faced with complicated situations, it provokes its anger, and it is easily dominated by nervous attacks, making it explode in the first opportunity.

Undoubtedly, these people become really complicated and stressful without many reasons; they are spoiled, rebellious and with an unpleasant and hurtful behavior, being able to hurt the sensibility of those who love them. However, when they calm down, they usually repent and are able to ask for forgiveness; but the already damage is done and therefore, they join the ranking of the most toxic signs of the zodiac.

5. Sagittarius: Although those born under this sign are calm, patient and pleasant, it is not necessary to over-trust, and for some reason we have placed them in fifth place among the most toxic signs, since they have a fairly dark side which they use when their convenience requires it, getting to show themselves cold, calculating and vindictive.

However, although they tend to move away from people with whom they have had problems, if their anger is very big, they get to find a way to affect them in other ways, it may be through contacts with other people, through comments and gossip, making sure their enemies have a hard time. So we recommend you not make a Sagittarius angry.

Persona Toxica Chisme

6. Taurus: People of this sign are considered the most stubborn, and if you want to see them annoyed, you just have to contradict them, they get out of control when they are not right, and they do anything to disturb those who are not agree with them. One of their main flaws is that they never admit their mistakes, although internally they know that they are not right.

They are always willing to do anything to be right, and this leads them to have strong discussions, showing themselves irritable and complicated, enough reasons for them to be in sixth place among the most toxic signs.

7. Leo: In general, the people of sign Leo are very changeable, just like Taurus; they cannot be opposed since by nature they are very authoritarian, so they do not like being below others, becoming arrogant, spoiled and unbearable, with airs of superiority; that’s why they become dictatorial leaders.

Hombre Pelea Líder Dictatorial

If in a conflict situation someone makes them see their mistakes, they write it down on the blacklist as one of their enemies and traitors, and little by little they put together their strategies to make their lives impossible by trying to harm them at all costs. Undoubtedly, aspects that must be taken into account so as not to fall into the net of one of the most toxic signs of the zodiac.

You already know them, so you already know who you should defend against and who to keep a healthy distance from so that they do not consume your energy and joy.