Life is a flow of energy that circulates in infinite ways, and allows to maintain the balance between the cells that integrates it and the system that governs the body. Everything that surrounds the individual is a source of energy. Actions and thoughts of each who, makes the energy flows in the world, and affect or favor other means of energy.

There are countless of legendary tales from different cultures, who believed in the strength of the energy with infinite devotion. They believed in the impetus of the sun, the moon, animals and of the same stones as the main element of faith and energy.

Precisely, in the culture of Hinduism, the energy “Kundalini”, also known as the serpent power, is for many a portal toward higher consciousness.

The “Kundalini” is the energy that every person possesses in its interior, and is symbolically represented as a snake; recalling that in many cultures the serpent was regarded as sacred animal. Thus, there are many myths about the “Kundalini”; that helps evolve the human being, promoting the creative skills and helping to find the true purpose in life.

Régine Degremont in her book “Wonderful Kundalini” reads as follows: “It is a life energy that contains an infinite power, it is the energy of the cosmos in us and in the Earth, not because only we possess it, our beloved planet also”.

According to Régine Degremont, the “Kundalini” should grow as the result of a spiritual evolution; it is not recommended forcing it, although there are practices that help to develop it, for example the “kundalini” yoga or initiations as “Shakti”.

Its awakening expresses the rebirth of the cosmos telluric energy, i.e. the power of heaven and earth together in every human being; this energy is the source of all forms of life, of all the powers, of all the forces of life of the creation.

The “Kundalini” has raised quantities of disputes, fears, questions, rejections and misunderstandings, and for being a snake has been demonized. Is visualized rolled three times around the first Chakra ( “Mudhalara” in sanskrit), and a day, either because the person has worked enough in itself, by physical shocks, emotional, or for reasons unexplained, wakes up, and goes through the “nadis” (energy channels) by which circulates the “prana” in the body. When the snake wakes up, goes through them, going through all the chakras in a straight line through “Shushumna”, undulating, circulating in curves to the side of each chakra, through Ida and Pingala (are two nerve currents located on the sides of the spine; the left is called Ida and the right Pingala).

Through the “Kundalini”, take advantage and wake up the channels of energy located in the inside of your body. Get connected with the force of the universe and revitalize your mind!


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