The tree of life represents a map, in which the various aspects of the world, man and life itself are established, its intention is to give answers about everything that can generate doubts and knowledge, a guide to what you want to understand, in a more technical form it is the representation of a great structure that embraces every element existing in the universe, from galaxies to a particle of dust.
In the tree of life, you can find information about the origin and evolution going through transformation, that connection of man with his deepest spiritual being, his mind and body, the tree of life is a symbol made up of twenty-two channels and ten sefirot, the Hebrew name to refer to each of the spheres of the tree, these are connected by channels, organized in descending order.
According to the Jewish belief, within the Kabbalah, each sefirot or sphere, is responsible for materializing each of the universal archetypes that shape the world, as we know it, trying to express that it is possible to separate it into ten equal parts, as elements and characteristics, therefore each sphere is recognized by a particular name.
They, in addition to receiving a name, are assigned a number. Well, number ten is the sefirot Malchut, it represents the consciousness of senses as well as physical, the meaning of its name is realm, while Yesod has number nine, referring to instinct, psychic consciousness and the unconscious, meaning his name, common sense.
Hod receives number eight, its name means splendor, its energy is focused on the intellect and the dimension of reality, but now Netsaj is the next one with number seven, it is the sefirot of feelings and its name means glory, as number six is known as Tiferet, whose name means beauty, it represents identity and harmony.
Gevurah is sphere number five, representing rigor and strength, its name means power, while sphere number four is known as Hesed, it means mercy, so it represents love, the sefirot as number three is Bina and it represents the intelligence, that cosmic law that is above all, its name means understanding.
Sphere number two is Hochma, whose name means wisdom and represents the strength of pure energy, on its part the sefirot as number one represents unity and its name is Keter, which means crown.
Each of them gives shape to the Jewish tree of life, they add value and meaning to it, so that it is known as a sacred figure, it represents everything desired and sought, through the sacred teachings of the Jewish Kabbalah, it is present in nature and many associate it with the flower of life.