The Japanese method to eliminate the double chin is an effective alternative to have a jaw line that is as harmonious as possible, to eliminate that excess fat and skin that falls, which undoubtedly affects that important part of your body because it is under your face, just before the neck, and is a fundamental part of your appearance.

Rostro Papada Mujer Mandíbula

The causes of the double chin and the increase of its volume begin with weight gain, but it is not the only reason why it appears, since many women observe how their face acquires greater volume without having just gained weight, and it is not enough for them to perform simple exercises and take a special diet to reduce the double chin.

In this way, it is convenient for you to know that one of the main reasons why the double chin appears is the storage of liquids and waste substances in the jaw, so that it is not just about aesthetics, but this can pose heart metabolic risks.

In this sense, it is recommended performing massages in this area in order to favor the drain of the substances accumulated in the jaw, although you can also use lymphatic drains with a good specialist who can help you to eliminate the double chin and prevent its recurrence.

Masaje Papada Mujer Facial

However, there are a number of exercises to eliminate the double chin such as the Japanese method, which is very effective and whose results are achieved in a short time, so below we will describe what it consists of:

The Japanese method or massage to remove the double chin is called “Asahi”, and it has become very popular around the world because it eliminates or minimizes swelling in the jaw area and corrects some effects caused by the age on the skin and muscles of that area, and this is because it directly affects the area located in the lymph nodes. For this reason, videos and articles explaining the method have millions of views, and many famous models have admitted that they use it, since its effects are noticed in a couple of weeks, which soften wrinkles and bags under the eyes.

Exercise 1: Join the five fingers of the right hand and place it on the chin, between the jawbone and the jaw, to give a gentle massage from there to the top of the ear, leaving the thumb on the bottom of the face. Then gently go down the neck until the collarbone, and repeat this movement about five times.

Exercise 2: Place the fingertip of the thumb below the chin bone and press gently giving circular movements until reaching the ear, since in this part lots of liquids and substances usually accumulate which must be drained to remove the double chin. Do 5 repetitions and repeat exercise 1.

Exercise 3: Place the thumb under the jaw bone and the index finger above so that they act as a kind of a hook. Move forward as in the previous exercise, massaging both areas and going up to the bottom of the ear. Do 5 repetitions and repeat exercise 1.

Exercise 4: Join the fingers of both hands and press in the area under the temples; that is, in the parts of the skull between the eye, the upper part of the ear, the cheekbone and the respective side of the frontal bone, considered as one of the most delicate areas of human anatomy, trying to locate them near the upper level of the neck, next to the face. Then begin to gently exert pressure on the surface with the fingertips, going down towards the clavicle to activate the lymph or accumulated liquids in the area. Repeat the exercise 5 times and then do exercise 1.

These four exercises form part of a set of exercises of the Japanese method to eliminate the double chin, which is convenient to perform following some recommendations that we will give below:

Clean your face and hands: It is the first thing you should do before starting to apply the massages to remove the double chin, even before doing any type of massage, this step is essential.

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Apply cream or oils: You can perform the exercise by applying a cream of your choice in order to make its execution easier, to moisturize the skin and to reduce friction with the skin.

Do not apply much pressure: Although pressure should be felt during the massage, it should not be so intense, especially next to the ears, on the jaw and neck, which is where the lymph nodes are located; the pressure must be weaker there.

Do not perform massages in the following cases: It is counterproductive to perform massages to eliminate the double chin in the case of people who have some rashes or skin lesions, suffer from diseases of the lymphatic system or if they have the flu or cold.

Finally, it is recommended performing massages to eliminate the double chin every day at the same time, and although it is a personal choice, if you want fast effects, do it this way and you will see results in a very short time.

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