As its own name precedes it, the National Museum of Jade, better known as the “Museum of Jade” has a lot of stones, pottery, and of course, lush pieces of “Jade” and is located in the city of San Jose, Costa Rica. This museum was built by the architect Diego van der Laat, who was inspired by the stones “jadeite” and “nephrite“.

The museum has over 7000 pieces, which are the product of the manufacture of the different pre-Hispanic cultural groups living in the country, during the historical period between 500 BC and 1,500 d. C.

This museum has about 2,500 objects of Jade, becoming the largest collection in the world in relation to the stone. It is an iconic, distinctive and important place of Costa Rica. In it, the presence of jade can be seen in attractive showcases, where the pieces are the product of a great creativity, with multiple shapes and finishes. What is more, there is a high appreciation of meaning, ancient history and a wide variety of art, which without a doubt draw the attention of the audience.

Furthermore, there are jade sculptures which represent the “Olmec” civilization, previously located in the Gulf of Mexico, which developed high artistic monuments, with great meaning and value.

As well as the existence of cultural objects from the so-called pre-Columbian jade, that arises from the works of those Indians who lived in Costa Rica and stood out in creating works of art and fine finished instruments and stems, all these laden with extraordinary power.

What is more, it praises of the civilizations of Guanacaste in Costa Rica, representing an ideology rooted in the gods; including the creation of one of their gods, with face and body.

At the Jade Museum, not only pieces, artistic and cultural works are appreciated but you can also discover and learn within long run of corridors and stations the process of elaboration of jade.

It is the only museum with all the history and mythology of the first inhabitants of Costa Rica. These works are exposed and available to all visitors, in a creative, fun and bold way. Therefore, it is appropriate to take into account history for a successful visit, which will be loaded with lots of experiences and a specially learning journey.

Consequently, don’t hesitate and dare to know the great world of Jade, that aside of being a beautiful stone, is strongly loaded with history, life, power and style.




  1. Kat says:

    What a beautiful building and what is more striking is the fact that it contains such a powerful and historical stone.

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