Every woman loves makeup, but do you know there are counterfeit cosmetics? Just as we have imitation perfumes, clothing, jewelry and endless products; makeup has been counterfeited, becoming almost identical to the original. We note that these products are delicate to use, and although many women cannot see the real difference between a fake or original makeup, the reality is that quality never be the same.
There are many brands that have launched a line of cosmetics and have become popular worldwide. The quality of these products makes some higher expensive than others, thus lovers of makeup resort to counterfeit products; for this reason, product sales imitations have increased, in spite of their low quality and the damages that can cause to our skin.
Which are the consequences of using fake makeup? Its most common consequences are allergies, but due to unknown chemicals used, these can be quite severe and irreversible. Besides, redness and irritation are also part of their effects, as well as spots and acne.
The harmful effects for our skin, can vary depending on the content of each chemical, and of course, how delicate is our complexion. There are many people using counterfeit cosmetics because don’t know that they often contain high levels of harmful material. Many fake cosmetic versions are made in China, and found large amounts of toxins, and even animal waste as rodent feces.
In addition to their terrible effects, these cosmetics are defined as a ‘junk’ makeup because they are virtually useless and do not give good finishes. These include lip gloss, mascara, foundation and bronzer. As a rule, the more popular a product is, the more likely you’ll see it being counterfeited.
Recognize counterfeit cosmetics is difficult, because many stores charge of distribution do not report on how to spot a copy makeup, and due to their great similarity, you can fall victim to this scam. The easiest way to identify a fake product is to know the exact details of the original, since the quality of packaging and image, almost always have errors that indicate that there is a genuine product. We can also realize by price, since these are usually much cheaper.
We must avoid buying makeup on Internet in non-official pages, as is common selling these imitation products. Many women have been victims of the terrible consequences of using this type of cosmetics recently, they have shared their stories which prove that a seemingly inexpensive beauty product on Internet can have big consequences, so say No to fake makeup!