Jade is a very significant and very high value stone, filled with many benefits and properties. So the ancient civilizations such as the Maya and Aztec, Chinese and Egyptians were seduced by the great attributes it have.

Yet today, the jade is applied to intervene in many cases and issues that revolve around everyday life, as it is in business, staff, family, and others. What’s more, believe it or not, jade also interferes in the birth chart and is used by astrologers.

Jade is able to influence people and connect them to the planets according to the personality they have. In the sole case of jade, is ideally attract and particularity symbolize the planet Venus, recognized by the Roman mythology as the goddess of love, seduction and companionship.

Such is the case that the influence of Venus with the Jade or vice versa, is highly symbolic and is intimately close, as the jade is responsible for emptying in the life of the person the great attributes that come from the stone.

Still, the work presented by the jade together with the planet Venus covers all kinds of people, and we can show the great miracles and manifestations that emerged in ancient civilizations, and experiences of people who are not under these signs.

In addition, this planet is attributed to individuals of the sign Taurus and Libra, who are blessed by their attributes, and give them security and confidence

The power of the planet Venus and the Jade give the person the ability to accept things, even though these are the most difficult.

Venus, because possess the quality of passenger will transmit trust and help create new perspectives, and together with jade, have the power to be protected against any damage that may come against you.

So, we invite you to look or buy your jade stone already, so that you can quickly fill with the great virtues and transfers between it and Venus. Which undoubtedly are an excellent combination of power, connection, seduction, mystery and protection for your life.



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