Long hair, in addition to its charm and beauty, implies special care. Those long centimetres of your mane deserve much more attention. And, they will require your full dedication if you want to keep it long and beautiful. Therefore, we will tell you some tips to take care of your long hair, which will make many fall in love with it. Join us!

What should you do to take care of your long hair?

Many women want long, perfect, healthy hair. But, achieving it without taking care into account can be very difficult. Long hair requires more time and dedication than a shorter mane. Generally, products that are applied to long hair do not efficiently cover the entire length of the hair. Leaving the tips exposed so they become vulnerable.

Los mejores consejos para cuidar su cabello largo Long hair

Cut the ends

As we mentioned, the tips are the most vulnerable part of long hair. These are usually open and fragile. Although it is totally normal when the hair grows. They are still undesirable. To fight them, it is necessary to cut them regularly. Although it may seem contradictory, cutting the ends will make it grow healthier. It is recommended to done once a month or every two months.

Style it regularly

Brushing long hair, and hair in general, stimulates the scalp. Massaging it with the brush distributes the natural hair grease evenly through the hair. This helps keep it brighter and stronger.

But, be careful! Although it is good to comb long hair regularly. It must be done the right way. So it is advisable to use a thick bristled brush or comb and do it gently, to avoid breakage, especially if it is tangled. Hair should not be pulled, it will become more brittle and break.

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Similarly, to avoid knots from combing long hair, it is recommended that when washing, do not rub it roughly with the towel. You should slide this gently from the roots to the ends, without pulling, just pressing the towel to absorb moisture.

Also, before styling you can apply a styling cream that helps detangle it. The hair is divided into strands and each one is combed separately.

Using a good conditioner

Washing long hair is essential for it to always look healthy and shiny. First of all, it is necessary to use appropriate shampoos for our hair type. Equally, it happens with the conditioners, these will achieve that the long hair has more shine, looks soft and hydrated. This will avoid having to pull your hair when styling.

On the other hand, it is necessary to use the conditioner correctly in order to achieve the desired results.

  • Apply the conditioner after washing and with your hair still wet.
  • After application, it should be combed with a separate bristle comb to distribute it properly.
  • It should be left to act for at least five minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water to close the cuticle and keep hair healthier and brighter.
  • It is recommended to use the conditioner in each wash. If your hair is normal, you can apply it once or twice a month on all hair and only on the ends twice a week. If, on the other hand, your hair is greasy, it is better not to abuse the conditioner.

Natural homemade hair masks can be used. Also using warm coconut or olive oil is very beneficial. These are applied from means to points.

Not wash every day

To keep your hair healthy overall, you do not need to wash it every day. Doing it two or three times a week is enough. If it is washed in excess, it will be defenceless against external aggressions and will become weak. The natural fat produced by the scalp is, in effect, a natural protector of the hair. Thus, if you want long and beautiful hair, you should avoid damaging the hair with daily washing.

To get a long and healthy mane, it is important to wash the hair in the correct way. Shampoo should not be applied to all hair. Actually, it should be applied only to the scalp. It is in this where the fat is produced. The rest of the hair is cleaned with the remains of shampoo that come down by massaging and rinsing it.

The scalp should be gently massaged with the shampoo for a few minutes. With this simple movement the blood circulation of the scalp is stimulated and that contributes to hair growth.

Beware of pigtails and bows

When you have long hair it is more common to use collected hairstyles for day to day. Especially if you live in hot areas. But, when you collect your hair, you have to take great care of it not to tangle it excessively, since it can break when detangling it.

Similarly, you should not use very tight pigtails or hooks that can cause great damage to the hair. Also, very tight hairstyles can damage the scalp and weaken its hair follicles, thus preventing the growth of your hair.

Some tricks to take care of your long hair

  • To avoid knots, you should comb the hair before washing it, so it will be easier to detangle it when you get out of the shower.
  • Avoid piling up your hair while it is wet. When wet, the hair is more delicate and the hair rubber can damage it even more than usual. Wait for it to dry and then tie it down.
  • Wear headbands rather than hair bands and metal bobby pins. This causes hair breakage.
  • Try to dry your hair outdoors as much as possible. If you use the dryer, let it be with cold air, and if you need it to be hot, try to keep it away from your hair.
  • Natural bristle brushes are best for long hair. They give it more shine and silkiness. The more bristles you have, the brighter your hair will shine.

These tips and tricks to take care of your long hair are very easy and simple. Put them into practice and you will notice the difference. If you do not have hair as long as you would like, you can also consider these tips. You will see that it will grow even faster.