Many may believe that with the lifestyle and the money they earn Hollywood stars, spend large sums of money in expensive beauty treatments to be always beautiful, and although hard to believe, is not like that; many celebrities are very inclined to treatments done at home with natural remedies.
From the classic Hollywood are some stories about the beauty secrets of the famous, but in many cases, were extreme. One was Elizabeth Taylor, who shaved his whole face, to eliminate the fine hairs on the face, which also helped remove dead skin to leave it soft and smooth; also, actress Marlene Dietrich, is undoubtedly the most extreme, because to achieve accentuate her cheekbones extracted the molar teeth.
Also from the golden age of cinema to the present, Hollywood stars have done everything to achieve look splendid, and it is no wonder, they have always been the center of attention and a benchmark of beauty, because it would be wrong to deny that many would like to have a mane like Catherine Zeta Jones, or radiant skin like Scarlett Johansson; this is why we must know some secrets of the famous, to be beautiful.
First, there is the beautiful Catherine Zeta Jones, who to keep her teeth white, constantly brushing with crushed strawberries, and for her hair, use olive oil. Similarly, another enjoyable and spectacular hair is the one of Demi Moore, to achieve this beauty she use a mask made with avocado, yogurt and almond oil.
Also, one of the celebrities who has a great and unique beauty secret is Sandra Bullock who says that to remove wrinkles and dark circles, apply hemorrhoid cream on the eye area; and although seems like a treatment that not many will mimic, Jennifer Aniston, also says that found benefits with this cream, because if she gets up with swollen eyes, use this in her face to reduce inflammation.
On the other hand are those with tips to care for your skin, one is Scarlett Johansson, who has to keep the skin of her perfect face. She apply apple cider vinegar to balance the pH of the skin, toning and brighten it. This is also the case with Cindy Crawford that wash her face with diluted milk to keep it soft and young; other extreme case is Victoria Beckham, who supported by Japanese culture applied a excrement paste of the nightingale bird to get a glowing skin.
Well, as you can see Hollywood stars despite having fame and money, also implement simple tricks, although in some cases extreme or unconventional but that achieve impressive results that are noted on the screen, so put into practice some of these beauty secrets, and look like a celebrity.