Concentration, attention and memory are the main functions of the brain, whose nerve cells require certain nutrients that food has to function properly. This is how everything we eat will positively or negatively influence our memory. Therefore, to protect it, it is convenient that you know the best foods for memory, they will help us to maintain it and prevent or delay degenerative processes such as Alzheimer’s. Take note, then, of some essential foods to fulfill this mission:

Alimentos para la memoria Frutas

Dark chocolate: The recommended amount is 30 grams a day of this product that has a high content of antioxidants, and especially flavonoids. It is advisable it contains 70% cocoa, although the amount of fats and sugar must be kept in mind, so we must carefully check the labels. Dark chocolate containing high levels of cocoa solids should be chosen, not of cocoa butter called theobroma oil, which has a lot of flavor but few flavonoids.

Foods with Omega 3: Most studies on the brain have agreed that this component is food for the brain, which has anti-inflammatory benefits and is considered to prevent some cases of Alzheimer’s since high levels of omega 3 favour the supply of more blood to the brain, improving its performance and keeping it healthier; the reason why we must consume the foods that contain omega 3 to guarantee the care of our brain and our integral health.

Avocado and pumpkin seeds: Without a doubt they must be among the best foods for memory due to their high antioxidant content. A medium avocado a day provides lutein that improves memory and is good for the eyes.

Alimentos para la memoria Aguacate

Turmeric and capers: It is proven that after six hours of consuming this natural product, a substantial improvement in all brain functions is achieved, while capers contain a large amount of polyphenols that improve the brain.

Consuming enough water: Water is also considered food since it contains various nutrients such as sodium, potassium, calcium or magnesium that are involved in the different processes of the body. Our brain, as well as the muscles and kidneys, contains more concentration of water than the rest of the organism, which is 70% made up of water; so it should be considered as one of the best foods for memory.

Alimentos para la memoria Consumo de Agua Vaso

When not enough water is drunk, it is observed that people become more irritable, headache occurs, reflexes are slower and memory may fail, and with mild dehydration of only 2%, many experts say that we slow down when thinking, remembering or deciding.

It should be noted that the hypothalamus is the part of the brain that controls the centers of hunger and thirst, and sometimes these sensations are confused, and by not drinking the necessary amount of water, you feel weak or tired when we actually need water. An amount of 6 glasses of water a day is enough for the organism and the brain to work properly.

Consume infusions with double effect: These types of drinks are considered as one of the best foods for memory; therefore, there are several options, including ginger, green tea, ginseng and ginkgo biloba. We also present the following options, but consult your doctor if you suffer from diabetes and / or hypertension:

Alimentos para la memoria Te de Jengibre Infusión

Thyme: This natural product contains a substance known as apigenin, which strengthens the existing connections between neurons, which contributes to maintaining a young and healthy brain that responds correctly to stimuli and fulfils its functions, which is the reason why it is considered food for memory.

Peppermint or rosemary: The infusions that contain rosemary and mint become a very good combination because rosemary favours concentration and, according to some research, peppermint improves long-term memory, as well as alertness.

Alimentos para la memoria Infusión de Menta  Taza Hojas de Menta

Chamomile or sage: The infusions with these plants are very effective to improve memory since chamomile has apigenin like thyme and sage improves neurological functions; so they are among the best foods for memory.

On the other hand, there are very effective juices such as the one prepared with pears, ginger, spinach and kiwi which, in addition to improving memory due to their high content of antioxidant compounds, provide a lot of fibre and manage to reduce the absorption of sugars.

Another food for memory is the combination of orange and pomegranates with black grapes, which must be consumed daily because it provides a sufficient amount of Vitamin C, folic acid and polyphenols; or you can also try it with a mixture of apples, blueberries and lemon. Each of these mixtures or salads will provide you with essential elements or nutrients to keep your brain and your entire body healthy.

Alimentos para la memoria Ensalada de Frutas Manzana Arándanos Naranja

Undoubtedly, these are just some of the best foods for memory, so try to consume them, include them in your daily diet, and in this way you will be providing health to your entire organism, but above all, your alertness, concentration and memory.