Although travelling is fun, some problems when travelling can cause complications. Although no one is exempt from them, when we are faced with a travel problem while away from home, it can turn the experience into a nightmare. And even make our trip shorter than planned.

Problemas al viajar Mujer Maletas Estación de Trenes Problems when travelling
Image By Margarita Kochneva from Pixabay 

However, the best solution to face most problems when travelling is preparation. Although sometimes, we will have to be creative and resourceful to solve them, which is also part of the experience. It is that we may not be prepared for any eventuality, but no problem is insurmountable.

While specific situations and circumstances may be different, there are problems when travelling that commonly happen to all travellers.

1. Getting lost, one of the most common problems when travelling

When travelling we generally walk through places that we have never visited and streets that we have never walked, which can imply a high risk of getting lost. Although it is more common than we think, since most people have been lost at least once in their lives. But when it happens it gives us a horrible feeling that fills us with panic, especially when we are in nature.

Although travel is not an exact science, with modern technology, this is one of the easiest problems when travelling to avoid. Well, today almost everyone has a smartphone. Therefore, before going on a trip, it is advisable to download Google Maps and then also the offline map for the city to visit. Offline maps are small, typically 20-50MB.

With the offline map on our phone, we can navigate even without an Internet connection and be better located.

2. Get sick

Without a doubt, getting sick away from loved ones, in a country where access to medical care is limited, can be a terrifying experience. And if we do not have the language skills to explain our symptoms to healthcare professionals, then getting sick abroad can be life-threatening.

For these reasons, one of the provisions that we must have is to always pack a first aid kit that is equipped. With common medications and any additional medications that we might need to treat ourselves if possible. Among them antidiarrheal tablets, antibacterial gel or analgesics and rehydration salts are also essential. In case you have to go to a hospital, try to find someone who can help translate any paperwork and medications before you commit. It is also important to have travel insurance and in case of any doubt, check with your insurance provider what your coverage is.

3. Not speaking the language

Not being able to communicate with the people around us canbe more complicated than many of us expect. And even generate all kinds of emotions, which go beyond frustration, anger and discouragement. Fortunately, we can make use of body language, sign language, gestures and smiles, all are ways to communicate.

Although the most advisable thing to do when travelling to a destination with a language other than ours is to study languages. Even if we only learn a few words or phrases, it will help. There are currently hundreds of language applications, guides, and programs that you can try and find useful. If not, it is always useful to invest in a pocket guide or dictionary for use in emergency situations.

4. Losing our things

When we travel we are so focused or distracted on the trip that there is a greater chance of losing personal items. Which can be a huge headache, especially when it comes to important things like your passport. To avoid this, it is advisable to plan in advance for possible losses. Making copies of the passport before leaving or keeping the address and number of our embassy in the phone or bag in case of emergencies.

In the same way, it is not advisable to keep money in one place, it is best to spread it in different pockets or places. In case of losing personal items, insurance can be your best ally, of course you have always kept all receipts for lost items.

5. Delayed or missed flights, one of the most expensive problems when travelling

Nobody likes being stranded in an airport, due to a delayed flight or a missed connection. Since it can become one of the most expensive problems when travelling to solve.

To avoid this, we can try to be in contact with the airline not only before but also on the day of the flight. If possible, check the flight status online and also through the airline’s application, if available. This will allow you to always be up to date, in case of any change in the itinerary.

It is also possible to minimize the risk of cancellations knowing what type of ticket we have purchased. Well, nonstop flights will not keep us waiting for connections. While flights with earlier departures often avoid the effect of other delayed flights.

6. Running out of money, one of the problems when travelling that we must avoid at all costs

This surely is a problem when travelling that we definitely all want to avoid. However, there may be unforeseen events, things that break, unexpected charges, or emergencies. In short, it is impossible to account for all eventualities.

One of the recommendations in this regard and that can help. Consists of investigating before the trip the place that you will visit. This will allow us to get an idea of the general cost of living in order to budget properly.

In the same way, we must try to save as much money as possible and always leave an emergency fund that we should not touch. We must have enough money for a return flight, as a last resort in case an emergency occurs and we need to return home.

Travelling can be expensive, so be sure to read up on how to save money while travelling, although it is also worth knowing how to earn money while travelling. Unless you have a large amount of money saved.

In conclusion, each trip is a different experience. So if you travel long enough, you may experience all of these problems and more. But you will also learn that every problem has a solution.