Monday, 14 December 2015. A new terrorist attack occurred last Friday, but this time in the north of Cameroon at 7:30 local time; leaving at least 11 people dead and 20 wounded. The attack was carried out again by the Nigerian jihadist group Boko Haram, military sources reported.

Although the security forces suspect that this time it is not a question of suicide bombings as such, but of young and adult women that the terrorist group Boko Haram obliges to carry explosives; under threats and deceit to achieve their purposes. Such explosives are detonated remotely, once that the victims are in the planned geographic location.

Since July of this year, this north end of Cameroon has been strongly affected by various attacks attributed to the Nigerians Islamists; in some opportunities made by suicide bombings, and in others, by victims who are forced, in most cases, women abducted in various villages in these areas. Since November the army of Cameroon has tried without much success, weaken the Nigerians jihadists operations; but they’re still being very active.


It is important to highlight that the name of the group Boko Haram means: “western education is a sin”, and it was considered an organization that openly supports terrorism against the civilian population; using violent and coercive means in the pursuit of their political and religious purposes.

One of the objectives of this extremist group is to set the Shariah as an existing rule in all states of Nigeria, considered as a code of informal justice, but widely accepted in the population of the North; while in the population of the South, the inhabitants are declared Christians in their generality.

However, the Sharia, also known as Saría; is a detailed code of Islamic conduct in which include rules relating to the worship of the same, concerning the criteria of morality between what is permitted and prohibited; as well as the rules which stipulate what is right and what is wrong. That is why in all these Islamic conflicts never politics and religion are detached, even many authorities have branded them with the title of religious extremists. And the question is, Could religion and politics someday be compatible?

Unfortunately, with this entire global panorama; 2015 will say goodbye with mourning due to so many terrorist attacks that have claimed thousands of innocent victims to political or religious conflicts. However, the Governments of neighboring countries requested to join efforts to destroy these violent groups that without any compassion, make horrific crimes claiming so many lives.