Much has been discussed in recent years about telepathy, their veracity and if is possible learn it. This is a subject that has been studied for decades and always seeks to answer the question is it possible to read minds?

First of all, it is important that you become familiar with the concept of telepathy. This term was coined by Frederyck Henry Myers, who was one of the founders of the Society for Psychical Research. In 1882 the man made an article in which he used the term to describe the communication that existed between people without the need for sensory pathways, based on the communications that were made due to the invention of the telephone.

Telepathy covers transfers of thoughts from one person to another without having to speak or use any physical agent such as: a telephone. It is not necessary that people stay in the same room so this phenomenon can happen, it is necessary only that an individual wish to transmit a message to another and that this individual is able to receive it. There is any real evidence that telepathy exist? Numerous experiments have been performed in order to confirm once and for all if this phenomenon is true.

In Bangalore, India, was made an experiment where they tried to telepathically transmit one drawing to another human being, who must accurately reproduce it on a sheet of drawing paper received; all while in strictly control using an MRI. To get better results, the scientists selected two men to receive the information, one was apparently normal and the other claimed to possess telepathic abilities. To the surprise of many, the man with telepathic abilities managed to accurately reproduce the drawing, while the other failed.

Despite the positive result, the scientific community does not accept that you can read the mind of another human being. Many in the field argue that while the human brain has the ability to create energy, this is insufficient to transmit data to another being making impossible reading the mind of another person. However, some say that given the evolution of technology within a few years it will be possible to read brain waves allowing know what a human being think, many even claim that this also can be applied to animals.

However, people involved in the esoteric field claim that telepathy is real and read the mind of another person is possible. Some even say that this is a skill that can be learned, the only condition is that don’t exist emotional barriers (hatred, resentment) among people who wish establish communication. Although this is a subject studied for more than two centuries, there is still no agreement on its existence. What do you think?