Telegram, the new text messaging application arises offering new options, it has continuously been growing its popularity from all over the world and it seems that it has turned into WhatsApp’s competition, which, it’s always on. For some, the benefits in the use of Telegram are many and better, but it’s all about criteria. If you want to know the application and determine which to choose, read this article, because it is for you.

Experts and creators of these applications offer a range of new benefits in terms of needs and critical by the followers themselves and that’s the reason why Telegram was born; ready to become in the first and stronger competition to WhatsApp, it said has over 700 million users worldwide.

Telegram offers numerous benefits: quantitative and qualitative, and for many that make it superior to its most fierce adversary, from greater security in chats to a higher number in the group members. Telegram focuses heavily on security and privacy matters of users, which is nice since most users are very much concerned about this issue.


Telegram allows you to hide and keep secret conversations, because the encrypted using encryption algorithms to protect them from attack by “hackers”. The messages do not go through their servers and therefore are protected.

On the other hand, Telegram developers are so sure of the security protocols used by the application to a point that they usually hold contests where the best hackers are challenged to break into the app’s system and access any personal information from within a chat between two people. Also, if you program, secret messages can simply self-destruct. Yes, as it is if it were a movie Mission Impossible. According to the company, these challenges will be there forever.

Also with Telegram, if you want to send a photo to a contact, not necessarily must have it saved in the gallery of your mobile device because you can download it directly from the Internet. So step saves time and exit the application, access the Internet, download the picture and save it to your gallery. Very comfortable, right?

But there are more benefits! We love to use stickers or emoji! They are so helpful in our conversations when we want to express with a gesture something that we can’t with words. Well, Telegram has all even gives you the opportunity to design and create ¡your own sticker or emoji!

Telegram also allows to create passwords to hide specific contacts and set up two steps to access our messages. Much less vulnerable than other similar applications.

If that’s not enough, with Telegram you can be increased from 200 to 800 people. A great help! In the hardened tough market and technological competence of text messaging applications, always will create new options and alternatives so you can communicate faster and better. But finally, you have the last word.