While you work, your heart cries out that you take care of it! Because the work environment often absorbs us so much that we forget to live a normal life. More than a third of the 24 hours of the day, we are in our workplace, where most times we eat and rest only when we are at the toilet.

We should strive to perform activities correctly and productively, however we have to take time to breathe and lower the pace a bit. A long time in the seat, causes the arteries to obstruct because of the lack of movement in the lower part of the body.


Eating in a hurry, making everyday tasks is a big mistake; because our brain is busy at the time and does not allow us to concentrate on enjoying the food. Likewise, you should make every effort to eat healthily, even bringing food from home. Maintain a balanced diet, fat-free and to provide all the nutrients your body needs, is an extremely important factor. Lunch or snack in a calm way, helps your heart to be protected and allows you to better centralize the tasks performed, after taking a break to taste the food.


The digestive system is very delicate, so if we have disorders when we eat, affect not only in the stomach; but also our heart that suffer silently these disorders and sooner or later will pass us a bill. Making a living staying healthy and full of energy are not only achievable purposes; but are also essential objectives without those components keep a job is impossible. The most important thing in your life must be your health!

The heart is an organ that receives the impact of all the emotions and events that we live every day, it is necessary that we take care of it while we work. One important way is exercising as much as we can, getting up, walking, climbing a ladder, moving the neck, stretching your back, raising your legs a bit and especially controlling the nervous state that causes a constant stress.


Maintain a cordial atmosphere and camaraderie among colleagues helps relaxation while the hours pass for returning home. In this case there is more motivation to put in our work activities and can be used to wisely prevent cardiovascular diseases from your workplace.


We think we live protected from heart problems. We do not stop agonize every day with the intense activities that we are subjected not only in our workplace, but also in our homes. The multiple responsibilities leave us exhausted to the point; more than a human being, we are like a robot programmed by the circumstances. We must put brake and watch the horizon, where the calm and peace guide us.