Acupressure is a very old technique that has as a principle, using the fingers to press and massage certain key points in the body, according to the same theories of acupuncture, and it evokes the idea of sharp pain or puncture. It was given this term in the West. It is believed that the practice […]
Tag Archives: therapy
Inorganic salts or mineral salts are important for the cell nutrition of the body, since the deficiency of any of these, will prevent these cells assimilate and use complex organic compounds, helping the suffering of certain diseases. So if you have a deficit, the contribution of any of these mineral salts will maintain their balance […]
Chromo therapy or color therapy, is an alternative therapy from the new age, that is based on the use of colors for the treatment or healing of diseases, through the application of colored light on the person or on the skin of the sick zone. Also it is used locating the person in rooms or […]
Magnetic therapy is an alternative to traditional treatments, and many studies have shown that there are improvements through this kind of treatment. The treatment is based on the use of static magnetic fields that cause a positive result in the affected area, favoring the recovery time; however, as a medication method, it has certain contraindications, […]
Systematic desensitization is a useful technique that makes it possible to overcome phobias. This type of therapy is applied as a treatment for anxiety disorders; stressful elements are presented through visual images and this allows people to face their fears in a real way, when the situation is reproduced easily, or using the imagination when […]
There is nothing better than coming home and having a revitalizing massage with essential oil; releasing tension, getting away from stress, smelling the scent of different oils and seeing how your body starts to receive the incredible benefits of these massages are some of the reasons why you should consider it as a part of […]
A Product of ancestral knowledge, in the traditional Chinese medicine there are several methods to restore health, and among them, the Chinese cups are one of the most famous millenary therapies in the world. Known as cupping, this technique is currently a form of alternative medicine. It makes use of cups on the skin, seeking […]
When dealing with restoring our health, there are many options which are presented to us nowadays, being magnetotherapy one of them. Although this alternative therapy is not one of the most known ones, it is one of the most sought after and its use is increasing, not only because of its non-invasive nature and the […]
Using magnetic force to benefit the health and well-being of patients with different ailments makes biomagnetism and magnetotherapy common names that show how magnetic fields are applied for important therapeutic purposes. It is an alternative to the traditional field of medicine called physiotherapy. Biomagnetism was discovered by Doctor Isaac Goiz in 1988. Magnetotherapy involves […]
Magnetic therapy is an excellent alternative that bring many benefits as a therapeutic method. It includes from skin treatments to pain and inflammation relief without the use of medication. Magnetic therapy consists in the use of static magnetic fields through magnets that are placed at strategic points throughout the body, and these magnets interact with […]
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