According to an old and well-known Chinese proverb: “Gold is valuable, jade is priceless”; that is, the value of this stone is invaluable. The veneration of the jade is not new, it is known that the Mayans and the old cultures of China would have appreciated not only for its beauty but for its symbolic […]
Tag Archives: Power
The jade stone has healing properties that soothe and control the central and peripheral nervous system, as well as the immune system, making the body to heal in a requiring maximum intervention. It also protects the body against damage. Therefore, it is often used in massage therapies to ease tensions and strengthen organs. Massages are […]
The energies of the stones have been used as an instrument of healing throughout all time. The gems or stone have been used to understand the different dimensions of man; these act through the emission of its energy, which is given directly from the sun. The reason for using the stones is that they can […]
Being a mother is one of the most beautiful stages through which most women pass. The moment that new family is held is magical and inundates of emotion and happiness to the mother. Sadly, many women have fertility problems, which deprive them of living that fascinating experience. Because of this, some people looking for a […]
Through the history many have been the legends, myths and beliefs that have been generated around precious stones, favored by the mysticism created around of them, that have become cult in some parts of the world. Some stories begin to take force when we see how different cultures of different points of the planet, come […]
Yes, that’s right. This valuable stone as jade is has the power to attract and keep love. It works under influences of release, protection, health, and above all, power. Among the many properties expected from this stone, it also intervenes especially in that feeling. If we go back to the history of ancient civilizations, such […]
It is very common these days to find many moody, nervous and tense people. Perhaps the changes of life have reached the tranquility of the man and led him to stressful situations. The hectic and modern life, including the overflow of technology has led many people to succumb into bad channeled emotions, without finding the […]
Belize, a Central American country the capital is Belmopan, is the residence of several ruins belonging to the culture. This civilization was one of the most entrepreneurial and extremely knowledgeable about the benefits of jade. The territory borders with Mexico and Guatemala; it is the second largest supplier of the mineral in the region. At […]
Strangely enough, Mayan civilization also adopted and implemented a fashion trend with jade. Once they managed to discover the powerful and wonderful properties of the stone, certainly they could not ignore. Besides being a valuable stone, it is also very elegant, attractive and beautiful. Therefore, decide that it is part of a beautiful and fashionable […]
You do not need to have a wart on the nose to bring out your magical powers, learn how to implement them. The secret of white magic is to be in harmony with nature and its cycles that is to say, exercise intuition that resonates in our heads. The other step is to ask the […]