When we talk about hygiene, we generally think about physical health, the conditions of our body, the neatness that all parts must have for us to look and feel healthy, at ease with ourselves; but we rarely mention the mental hygiene that we must have day by day to achieve that so necessary balance that […]
Tag Archives: positivism
At some point in your life, you have surely heard about yin and yang, which is nothing but a dynamic symbol that shows the continuous interaction of two energies and their equilibrium. On that basis, we want to tell you about the history and meaning of this symbol. First of all, we can say that […]
Many people tend to become depressed when they feel that love has not reached them, that person who can fill out and complete their life in some way; Do not be despair under these circumstances of life, because, to all that love arrives everyone should self-assessed, love and accept them as they are, by processes […]
Fear and pessimism induce to maintain a cropped life vision, be isolated and moving only in the supposedly safer ground, to deny yourself, repeat rather than try and innovate, and ultimately, to adopt the philosophy of vision ” Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.”, which in other words means “survive rather […]
Who help you in bad times? With whom you share your secrets? So with your best friend! Friendship is very important in the social realm of human beings. Therefore, we will give you the keys to having a soul mate for life. Pay attention to her life, if your colleague is going through a bad […]
You do not need to have a wart on the nose to bring out your magical powers, learn how to implement them. The secret of white magic is to be in harmony with nature and its cycles that is to say, exercise intuition that resonates in our heads. The other step is to ask the […]