After having passed through one of the happiest moments and important in your life, like it is have married with the man of your dreams, came the most eagerly awaited moment, in which they can finally enjoy the company of another without any kind of concerns. This time corresponds to the desired and long-awaited “honeymoon”, […]
Tag Archives: pareja
Love prevents you from seeing things clearly and of course, realize if the man of your dreams wants to go on a date with you. Is it true that he corresponds or is just hallucinating? If you want to open your eyes to reality, pay close attention to the signals he send, consciously or unconsciously […]
The longer and happier relationships are those where there is communication, respect, and trust, but especially in which both give and receive the same, and complement each other. If you want to show how much you love him, do not hesitate to give him evidence that really allow him to know how much you trust […]
To attract the person you like and to keep him or her with you is necessary to know his or her likes. The zodiac signs can help you to get acquaintance about the things that person likes; they definitively influence on your personality and tastes. Find out here about the things related to your beloved […]
Al momento de hacer el amor, los prejuicios, la sociedad y la cultura también influyen y puede inhibirnos durante este acto. Por mucho tiempo se ha pensado que solo la mujer puede fingir un orgasmo, pero los hombres también lo hacen. La idea de este artículo es despejar sus dudas sobre si fingirlo es ¿Bueno […]
When reaching the menopause, many women feel as if the old stage has suddenly become part of their lives; it is as if the fact of finishing menstruation makes them less women, and indeed less sensual, which can bring them disagreeable consequences in their relationship with their couples. The menopause is the period that every […]
Aries: Big changes looming for his sign. You will be full of projects, do not close yourself in your ideas. Some of their comments bring problems, be sure to be right before speaking. Remember in future discussions, all the good that your partner does for you. Taurus: Do not rely on proposals or projects that […]
The rhythm method is one of the forms of natural family planning that exist for the prevention of unwanted pregnancy. This involves having sex in the infertile days of the menstrual cycle and to abstain from sex during fertile days. This practice is approved by the Catholic Church and was proposed by Ogino and Knaus […]
Everything around us is influenced positively or negatively on our mood. The scents are also stem from this, they strongly influence human behavior, because we perceive a positive or negative way a person, and that this amount is recorded in our mind, with only the perfume you use. The smell is the most acute sense […]
There is no power more ancient and powerful than love. Love can transform life, make people evolve and fill them with happiness. Although spells and magic rituals were done only by witches, it has been known that the same people can perform them at home. And in war and love anything goes, and the rituals […]