Wednesday, January 6, 2016. The spokesman of the National Disaster Management Authority of India (NDMA), Anurag Gupta; announced that an earthquake of 6.7 degrees on the Richter scale killed at least 13 persons and injured 228 in the Indian state of Manipur, and wounded 68 in Assam. The tremor occurred at 04:30 local time on […]
Tag Archives: deaths
Wednesday, 16 December 2015. The Typhoon Melor or also known as Nona, stepped Philippine lands in the early hours of Monday; affecting the central region of the country with heavy rains and winds of up to 185 kilometers per hour; leaving its step four people killed and more than 730,000 people have been evacuated. A […]
Tuesday, December 8, 2015. The storm Desmond that struck during the weekend, the UK, wreaked havoc by leaving two people dead and 60,000 homes without electricity in the northwest of England; where Prime Minister David Cameron will travel Monday. Result of the storm Desmond, thousands of British were evacuated as a preventive measure. This natural […]
The incredible stories and the strange deaths without apparent reason that gave place years after the profanation of the tomb of the young Tutankhamen, have fuelled the pseudoscience and shaking the curiosity in the minds of the most passionate by the Egyptian culture, supporting the fascinating legend of a curse that consist in the death […]
A mystery legends states that a king named Alfonzo XII, fell in love with a beautiful lady known as Virginia Doini. With the passing of time, the king Alfonzo married her cousin Maria de las Mercedes of Orleans, in whose great celebration received numerous gifts, among which highlighted a beautiful opal ring, which was offered […]