wardrobe depending on the season. We often make the mistake of thinking that all garments will fit to the body just like the models, but if you know your body, you can choose the best garments. According with information from the website “emedemujer.com” there are different silhouettes, identify your own: Triangle body shape: if you […]
Tag Archives: cuerpo
Have fun with friends and relax with your own beauty treatment at home. If you’re wondering what to do to catch that gallant who makes you sigh… easy! Be yourself and look super beautiful. Maybe you think that costs money, but the good news is that you do not need to spend a fortune to […]
Caring for the appearance is not a reprehensible fact, the problem is the obsession of some people to look impeccable. If you know of any case where the person is unable to perceive and identify their attributes or external strengths, and highlight only their flaws, you could be in the presence of a possible diagnosis […]
Yoga means “union”, and refers to the relationship that you forge with your universal environment through exercises that will help to channel your positive energy, and thus feel good about yourself. Although many ideologies catalog Yoga as a religious alternative, the truth is that it also can be used only as an exercise to increase […]
Looking good is a priority for most people, especially for women. The beauty and wellness is not just a personal whim, it may also reflect the state of your health. You should start to improve your daily routine, first the habit of sleeping well, at least 7 hours per day, leaving aside insomnia and situations […]
The word diet has been in the lexicon of all women at least once in life, we want to lose those extra pounds that torment our existence, because we are the strongest critic it comes about our body when. Diets cannot work for many reasons, but most important is that our mind makes a prejudice […]
Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble prohormones, are substances which usually have little hormonal activity themselves but it becomes hormones. This is important for the correct formation of our bones. Experts say women with stable levels of vitamin D are 30% thinner to those suffering from deficiency of this vitamin. In muscle contraction it […]
When choosing what type of perfume we want to buy, many times we get carried away by the aromas that we perceive. Typically, when we smell the fragrance that has a friend, and this pleases us immediately ask: What perfume is that?, and as soon have the opportunity, we go to the store, and, almost […]
Having a lean and healthy body is the desire of many. Those who care about having a perfect figure, spend much of their day to cultivate the body they crave, or keep the figure they already have. There are also the people that see they have gained weight, or in parts of their body clothing […]
El cuerpo de una mujer es un templo sagrado, las mujeres tienden a cuidarlo siguiendo rigurosamente rutinas de belleza, tratamientos estéticos y comprando un sinfín de productos que las ayude a cuidar desde su piel hasta su peso para lucir siempre bellas. Los medios de comunicación, la moda y la publicidad han estado vendiendo durante […]